Sunday 20 October 2013

Acts 4:23-31 - Prayer for Boldness

In this passage we didn't see a lengthy committee meeting to discuss what steps to take since they were forbidden to speak of Christ. Instead we are told that they held a prayer meeting to ask for boldness to declare Christ.

Just think of these two Apostles, Peter and John, before and after the resurrection of Christ. Two very different responses. Now, they were not cowed by the threats nor the warnings. Immediately after their release, they met the other disciples to praise the Lord and to pray to Him. What a transformation!

Citing a portion of Psalm 2, they saw with great insights how the words spoken by the Psalmist foretold of what Pilate and Herod would do to the Christ. These words also indicated that the hostility toward the Lord was God's fore-ordained plan.

The Gentiles that raged against the Lord would be the Romans who sentenced and executed the Lord Jesus Christ. The people who imagined vain things would be formed by the Jewish adversaries who accused Jesus to the Romans.

Herod Antipas would clearly be included in the kings of the earth who took their stand against the Lord's Anointed.  And Pilate would represent one of the rulers that gathered against the Lord and against the Christ.

From these verses, we see that both Jews and Gentiles were responsible for the death of Jesus, the Christ. And all that had happened accomplished God's predestined plan. For God in His infinite wisdom used the evil intention of men to bring about His own plan and purpose.    

The Apostles' insight into the whole situation led them to make two bold requests. They did not ask for the threats to be removed. Instead they requested for boldness and confidence to speak inspite of the threats and warnings. They  already had great boldness yet they felt they needed more.

Then they asked for the Lord to continue to stretch forth His hand to heal. They wanted more signs and wonders to take place through the name of Jesus, God's Holy Servant. That was their desire.

Of course God answered them with the affirmative. The place where they held their prayer meeting was shaken. The Holy Spirit once again filled everyone and they spoke with great boldness. What a  climax!

There is no denial that prayer has a critical part in the effective life of God's  community. If effective witnessing, worship, evangelism, healings and signs and wonders are to be experienced consistently, the church must pray.

God's work requires (or more accurately, demands) that we come to Him to be imbued with divine enablement and energy. He is the source and supplier of grace and strength. We need to come to Him individually. And we also need to come  to Him corporately! This is our surest means to effectiveness!    

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