Tuesday 21 November 2023

Ezekiel 20:4-9 – Responding to God aptly.

Ezekiel 20 began with some leaders of Judah in exiles coming before the prophet seeking to inquire of God. In response, Ezekiel was told not to waste his time with their inquiry. Instead, he was to judge them and make known to them the detestable sins of their forefathers. He was to reveal to them the privilege God had accorded to their forefathers right from the start in Egypt. The Sovereign Lordhad personally chosen Israel and revealed Himself to Jacob’s descendants and by a solemn oath made Himself their Covenant God. 

The Lord personally pledged to take them out of Egypt and bring them into the promised land, a land of His own choice. this land He promised would be far more glorious than all other lands. It would be a land flowing with milk and honey, meaning that it would be a land of rich provision. However, God told them that it was necessary for them to get rid of their detestable practices, and not to continue to defile themselves with the idols of Egypt. And God, Himself would be their covenant Lord.  

Sadly, instead of responding rightly, these chosen people acted rebelliously. They did not obey Him.  They did not get rid of their abominations nor abandon the idols of Egypt. So, in His anger, God wanted to deal with them in Egypt. But He decided against it because He did not want the Egyptians to misunderstand Him. He did not want His own reputation to be stained and be known as one who did not keep His word. For He had promised before the Egyptians that He would deliver His people from Egypt and bring them into the promised land and be their God.

Knowing God is a privilege. It would be impossible for us to know Him if He did not initiate to make Himself known to us. His purpose in revealing Himself to us is for us to live in His glorious ways and avert our own destructive ways. However, to walk harmoniously with God requires faith and obedience. Once we have accepted the privilege, we must live responsibly and discard whatever would come between our relationship with Him.  Destructive habits that will prevent a fruitful relationship with Him must be dealt with. And it is wise to do so willingly. Don’t wait for a God-sent painful moment to have them removed.  Respond wisely to the gracious overtures of God.            


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