Wednesday 30 August 2023

Jeremiah 51:41-46 – Stay strong in the Lord

Jeremiah in 51:41-46 continues to describe Babylon’s downfall at God’s design. With the calamity happening to her, the people held captives by then were told to make their exodus.

The invasion of Babylon was clearly spelled out in verses 41-44. Referring to Babylon as Sheshak, God said it would be invaded by a massive army. The attackers would swarm her like mighty tumultuous waves, overflooding and ravaging the land and making it a land of horror. What would remain of Babylon after the attack would be an unpalatable and uninhabitable wasteland. Bel their chief God, which they believed had helped them, would be defeated. How could a false god stand against Yahweh, Judah’s Covenant Lord?  Hence Babylon who had consumed the nations would be made to forcefully vomit out her captives.  


Meanwhile, in verses 45-46, God instructed His people what to do when Babylon was experiencing the attack.   They were told to flee and each to save themselves from the fierce anger of the Lord. Here God was giving them advance notice so that they would not be faint-hearted. They were told not to be shaken by rumors that would be heard one year after another. The last two lines of verse 46 speak of changes in rulership. There would be much unrest, strife, rivalry, and violence as leaders sought to claim the throne.   


In the world, there will always be trouble and tribulation. The world is inundated with bad news because bad news sells. But our confidence should be in the Lord. When our roots are deeply planted in Him,  we need not be unduly petrified by what is happening in the world. All we need to do is to stay steadfastly connected to Christ and strengthen our faith and trust in Him. It is said that with Christ in our vessel, we can smile at the storm, nothing should ruffle us. He has got it all in His hand! 

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