Thursday 3 August 2023

Jeremiah 46:13-28 – Be careful with our choices

In Jeremiah 46:25-26 God said He would punish “Amon of Thebes, and Pharoah, and Egypt along with all her gods.” Amon was revered as the king of gods. This Amon was likely the patron god Thebes, an ancient city along the Nile. Thebes was the capital city of the Egyptian empire in her heyday. God specifically mentioned and made in no uncertain terms that He would punish Amon, together with other entities - Pharoah, Egypt, and all her gods.  Yet God promised that Egypt would be revived. He would ensure that Egypt would be inhabited again.

According to Jeremiah 46: 26-28. the people of Judah, the descendants of Israel and God’s covenant people should not be afraid. Why? While God would deal with them and send them to exile in a foreign country, He would also bring them back to their land. They would be dealt with differently. While He would make the pagan nations a matter of history, His covenant people would not be so. They would be corrected and purified. However, the covenant people would not escape scotch-free, God would see their punishment for the wrong they did.


Sin will always bring with it consequences. While God will grant forgiveness and restoration when a person repents, the consequences of the sins committed will still kick in.  We can choose what action to take, but we can never determine its consequence. It behooves us to be careful with what we choose.  Choose to walk with God each day! 

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