Wednesday 2 February 2022

1 Kings 3:10-15 – God has a dream for us

Solomon’s humble request for a discerning heart pleased the Lord. So in 1 Kings 3:10-15, He responded to his request. Though he could have asked for anything such as long life or riches for himself, or for the destruction of his enemies, he did not. Instead, he asked for wisdom and discernment to be a just and wise ruler. God was so pleased that He granted Solomon’s request and gave him unsurpassed wisdom. There would be no one before him or after him, who would ever equal his wisdom. Even though he did not ask for honor or wealth, he would be given both. He would be both rich as well as famous. However, there was a condition that God expected of him to keep. He must “…walk in God’s ways, keeping His statutes and commandments, as…David walked, then God will prolong his days.”

Remember that all that had transpired was in a dream. Solomon encountered God in that dream.  So verse 15 tells us that when he woke up, he realized that it was a dream. It was not just any ordinary dream but a life-changing one. Solomon apparently accepted it. As a signal of his acceptance of all that God would grant him, he came to Jerusalem before the Ark of the covenant and offered burnt offerings and made a peace offering. There he also held a feast of celebration for all his servants. Solomon did all these to seal the agreement

More than a function of the mind, the dream that Solomon had was an encounter with God. It changed his life and work forever. What is a dream? Does God still communicate to us through dreams? According to the dictionary, a dream is a series of thoughts, visions, or feelings that happen during sleep. And yes, God still communicates to His people through dreams. The Word of God had shown that this was one of God’s means of communication with his servants of old. And in Acts 2:17, we are told that in the last days, “…old man shall dream dreams.” Bear in mind that God is sovereign, and the Spirit of God can still bring a message to His people through dreams. And because we already have the Bible as our main guide, any dream must be interpreted in the light that God had already revealed in the Word of God. The next time we have a dream, seek God for an interpretation. He may have a life-altering message to help us make a difference in life. Don’t just dismiss it! 

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