Friday 2 July 2021

Numbers 25:10-18 – Zeal will keep us going forward with God

These verses describe how Phinehas, the grandson of Aaron, was honored by God because he chose to stand up for Him at a time when no one would. During this time, the compromise of the sons of Israel was getting from bad to worse. Their act was getting more outright and blatant. The first generation’s leadership did not deal with what was wrong decisively. So the subject in question, Zimri, a Simeonite could have detected the leadership’s reluctance to deal with the blatant harlotry of the Israelites with the pagan women and their gods. Abetted by the leadership’s indecisiveness, he was emboldened to engage in his indiscreet craving. He brazenly took Cozbi, a Midianite woman to his family to consummate his marital relationship. He did not expect anyone would take him to task for his insolence. This always happens when the leadership fails to take appropriate action to deal with wrongs to guard the truth and honor of God.  

However, Zimri’s estimation of the situation was wrong. All it took was one clear-minded man who was not afraid to step up to jealously guard the honor of God. Phinehas, the grandson of Aaron, took a spear and followed that shameless couple into the chamber and there he pierced them through their bellies and killed them. The faithful act of Phinehas averted the wrath of God from the sons of Israel. The plague that God sent to judge the people of Israel was stopped. By then 24,000 Israelites had already been killed.  For what Phinehas did, he was rewarded. God made a covenant of peace with him. He even promised that the priesthood would descend from his line perpetually. Phinehas was acknowledged for being jealous for God and daring to do what was right to atone for the sons of Israel.  

According to verses 16-18, the primary issue was not so much the sex as it was the idolatry that ensued. Under the counsel of Balaam, the people of Moab and Midian used sex to entice the sons of Israel into idolatry. That was why God forbade them from marrying foreign women.  Israel’s real sin was abandoning their God. They were literally tricked into it.  

What Phinehas did teaches us much about being zealous for God.  He was so consumed with his zeal for God that he could not stand idly by and watch his own people dishonoring their God. It would also take zeal for us to pursue and fulfill God’s plan in our life. It is what will enable us to agonize deeply in prayer and enable us to break chains and scale great heights for the glory of God. Zeal will keep us unyieldingly faithful to God to fulfill His purpose. Be zealous for God!

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