Monday 3 May 2021

Numbers 9:15-23 – Following God’s leading

The ground had been set. Everything had been put in place, the Tabernacle, the priesthood, and the Levites were all necessary instruction and consecration had been carried out. Even how the whole nation, i.e. how the tribes should camp around the Tabernacle, was given and set. They were a people ready to march on into the promised land. One thing is clear, they need not go on the journey alone. God was all set to go with them, to signal when they should move, and when they should stop, to set up camp. He would do it by a cloud in the day and a pillar of d fire by night.  

The visible presence of God was represented by the Tabernacle. Know that this was not just an empty emblem. The reality of His presence would be enhanced by the cloud that would cover the tent of meeting by day, and become a pillar of fire by night. In the book of Exodus, we saw how they came out of bondage. The cloud and the pillar of fire had accompanied them to Mount Sinai where they had camped for a while. And it was at Mount Sinai they were being prepared for the journey forward. What was comforting about their journey forward was the fact that they would again be accompanied by the same cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. In other words, God would be guiding them throughout the whole journey. All that they had to do was to take the indication from the cloud. When they should move and when they should stop would be given by the cloud. This is how verse 17 described it.  “Whenever the cloud was lifted from over the tent, afterward the sons of Israel would set out; and in the place where the cloud settled down, there the sons of Israel would camp.”

What we sense clearly here is the fact that God was there to lead them through the journey. God would be heavily involved and not just there in the journey as a bystander to observe. The number of times the phrase “at the command of the LORD” appears tells us that God was not just a co-pilot in the journey. He was in fact the one directing and navigating their journey. God’s instruction on the different variations of when they should move leave no room for them to argue and decide when they wanted to move. God was in charge. Like them, the God who knows His plan for our lives wants to direct, navigate and lead us to the best He has installed for us. Would we rather pilot our own life or would we let Him lead us there? Like a shepherd He will lead us and as a Father, He will guide us. So make the wise decision, let Him guide and lead us. He knows what’s best for us!

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