Thursday 27 May 2021

Numbers 15:37-41 – Don’t ever forget God’s grace and mercy.

For many of us, Numbers 15:37-41  can be quite puzzling. What is a tassel? Why did God want the children of Israel to make for themselves tassels on the fringes of their garment? What is the significance of the violet thread?

A tassel is basically a bundle of thread bound into strands of cord that hang loosely from a knot. All of us must have seen a graduation cap before. On top of the cap are strands of cords wound together hanging from a knot, which the student on graduation would shift from right to left. That is a tassel. In Numbers 15:37-41, Moses was instructed by God to get the children of Israel to have tassels sewed at the fringes of their garment.  The tassels must contain a single violet thread.  

Why violet thread? Violet dye in the ancient world was harvested by hand from sea snails. Only a small drop could be harvested from each snail. Hence it was an expensive commodity. Hence, the violet color came to be associated with wealth and the nobles. Remember the Tabernacle? Much of the material of the tent of meeting where God would speak with Moses were made of purple thread because it is a color fit for royalty.  The purple thread in the tassels God told the Israelites to make speaks of their identity as a royal priesthood. Requiring only one single thread in the tassel made it affordable even for the not-so-well to do. For the Israelites, wearing them would remind them to live and behave according to their calling as God’s chosen and covenant people.   

Two things would be brought to the mind of the people of Israel whenever they looked at the tassels. Firstly, It was to remind them that they were a people by reason of the awesome grace of God. They would recall that it was God who had redeemed them from their bondage to have an enduring relationship with Him. No one, not even the power of Egypt or their own rebelliousness, would be able to thwart God’s purpose.  Secondly, the tassels would remind them of whose they were. They must know that they were God’s redeemed people, called to be a holy nation and a royal priesthood. Hence, they must obey His commandments and live a life set apart for God. They were expected not to pander to the lust of their hearts or their eyes.

What is the lesson for us in these verses? It is a call to remember that we are God’s people and that we must always live responsibly to honor Him. Ever wonder why the Lord Jesus commanded us to have the Holy Communion regularly? It’s because by nature we are forgetful people. We tend to forget the good things He had done for us and remember needless things that will enslave us. The bread and the cup at communion are to help us recall that it was Christ's finished work at the cross that secured our redemption. By partaking in the communion we remember that we are now God’s people and hence we must live for His glory. We are God’s chosen people and His royal priests, and we must live and behave thus!    


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