Sunday 7 March 2021

Isaiah 59:4-8 – A wayward life always exacts a costly price.

God cared for the people of Judah and wanted them to live rightly so that they could experience His blessing. While He had all the power, the ability, and the desire to meet their needs, yet His people were not receiving and experiencing it. Why? God told them honestly that it was because of their sins and wrongdoings. These wrongful acts were preventing the connection between Him and them. God then proceeded in verse 3 to tell them that with their hands and fingers they had committed iniquities and shed innocent blood. And with their mouth, they were spewing out deceit and wickedness. 

What Isaiah said of them in verse 3 was bad enough had they stopped committing them, yet they did not. They continued with a whole list of other sinful activities which were enumerated in verses 4-8. Firstly, no one took their brethren to court for a just reason. In other words, they abuse the litigation process. Secondly, they were conniving and devising wickedness and hatching deadly plans with their minds all the time. However, God could see through their treachery. Their true intentions were never hidden from  God. Thirdly, their works were full of evil and violence. They would rush to do evil and quick to shed innocent blood. Fourthly, destruction and devastation were constantly in their plans. Devoid of peace, they were not accustomed to justice and fairness. Anyway, their duplicitous path would never lead anyone nor themselves to peace and justice.    

Know it or not, wickedness is always conceived in the heart, expresses itself through one’s conduct, and leads one to misery and wanton waste. It will do us well to do as Proverbs 4:23 exhorts us to do. We must guard our hearts with all diligence for out of it flows the essence of life. Then according to Ephesians 5:15, we must be careful how we walk, not as fools but as wise. We need to ensure that we are walking in accordance with what God desires. And as we do so, we find a life connected with God, where the opportunity will be redeemed, as He transforms us. Be sure to go after such an enriching life free from duplicity. Love for God warrants it. So let’s go for it!

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