Saturday 23 March 2019

Exodus 22:25-27 – Do not exploit the poor

In Exodus 22:21-24, we see the compassion of God towards strangers, widows and orphans. He instructed the people to be kind and compassionate toward them. In Exodus 22:25-27 he gave instruction on how the poor should be cared for. He would not allow anyone to take advantage of someone else’s misfortune. A poor person sometimes had to resort to borrowing money to live. The creditor usually would do two things. He would levy interest and also take something as collateral in case the lender could not discharge his debt. God would not allow such a practice. He would not allow the poor to be exploited and money to be made from the poor. More so when they are a fellow member from the community of believers. The reason God did that was that he did not want the poor to carry the burden of debt.

Verses 26-27 stipulate what one must do when he had taken the cloak of a person as surety when providing the loan. The cloak must be returned to him at dusk. This is the outer coat that he would use to sleep on the ground at night. God’s caring heart is clearly demonstrated here. He was ensuring that the poorest person would also have a good night’s rest. Regarding this, Jesus went even further calling on us to be more compassionate. He expects us to lend even to our enemy without expecting them to pay back. That’s the degree of His love and compassion. He gave so freely to us. He wants us to emulate Him by caring for the poor friends or foes. Giving instead of lending frees us from the feeling that we have been cheated when the lender fails to discharge his debt.  

One thing must not happen. No matter how needy we may be, we must never develop a victim’s mentality. A stranger, a widow, an orphan and a poor person may all have something in common. They are in need of help and when none is given, they can become inward looking and pity themselves, and cultivate the mindset of a victim. Some may even demand that help should be given and could become hostile when none seems to be forthcoming. Here the Lord teaches us that we could always cry out to Him. Prayer is an instrument God has given to all, rich or poor, to release His resources of heaven. He will hear our prayers and meet our needs. So, let’s not forget that we have a heavenly Father. He will give us our daily bread. He is the source that we should turn to in times of need. Finally, for us who have the capacity to help, we must avail ourselves to be God’s resources to the poor and needy. We owe it to God for all that He has blessed us with. Remember that we are blessed to be a blessing.  

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