Wednesday 20 March 2019

Exodus 22:16-17 – The call to sexual purity

Like all hard truths, the law and the book containing rules and regulation are also hard to stomach. Yet it is needful for us to get acquainted with them. The Law and the Book of the Covenant are intended to regulate and instil moral living for individuals and peaceful living in a community. The no-nonsense and blatant condemnation of wrong hit a guilty person hard. As difficult to read as they may seem, we should not skip knowing them. For through them God’s character is reflected. We get to see how just and fair He is. We are shown how concerned He is for the plight of the victim. As serious followers of the Lord, it will do us well to consider them seriously. We can see that God is an expert on human relationships. The law and the rules He had laid down, when rightly observed, help us to live morally, uprightly and peacefully with each other. The Book of the Covenant covers a wide range of subjects.

Exodus 22:16-17 deal with pre-marital sex. Take note that these two verses talk about the sexual relationship between two consensual adults. It is not referring to a case of rape where a rapist would be stoned to death. These two verses refer to sexual misconduct between two persons. The implication we get here is that sex should not be a casual thing. It must only be engaged by two people who had pledged their life to each other in the covenant of marriage. In the case described in verses 16-17, the man is said to have seduced the girl and she responded to his seduction. When that happened, the man must pay dowry for her to be his wife. This would prevent men from going around seeking sexual pleasure and not wanting to be responsible for that relationship. This regulation given by God ensures that men cannot go around, seduce a girl, sleep with her and then refuse to marry her. The right thing to do for a man who had sexual relations with a girl is to marry her. The dowry payment suggests that. The dowry is not an indication that the girl is like goods to be bought and sold.

The dowry was just one part of the equation. The consent of the father had to be sought even if the man could afford the dowry. In most cases, the father would consent to the marriage to save the reputation of his daughter. However, there could be a situation where a father could see that the man was unsuitable for the daughter, and marry her to him would spell disaster for her. He could then refuse to grant consent for the marriage. Even when the father had refused to consent the marriage the man had to pay the dowry. This was probably to ensure that the girl would have some support since her prospects of marrying had been minimized. The whole purpose was to ensure that a man who truly loved the girl would behave himself and ensured that they had sex only after the marriage. If he thought that he could force the father to marry the daughter to him, he must think twice. If the father refuses to grant his blessing, he might not have the girl at all even though they already had premarital sex.

Sex is a pleasure made only for marriage. It is a subject that we cannot be casual about. This whole issue of pre-marital sex must be carefully considered because we live in a culture where pre-marital sex is so prevalent. Here in just two verses, we can sense God promoting a pattern for godly courtship, marriage and sex. A godly man who has fallen in love with a girl must not only preserve his own chastity but protect the purity of the girl he loves. God holds him accountable for the sexual purity in the courtship. The world may see this as old fashioned but it best reflects that we have a God who is holy and pure.   

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