Wednesday 19 December 2018

Joshua 24:16-28 – Living a life of consecration

Being discerning and completely apprised of one’s situation is so needful. Why? It’s because it will help us to make the right decision and then to move in the right direction in life. Joshua had ably painted for the Israelites their whole journey so far and how God had helped them to arrive at where they were. Here in these closing verses, Joshua could sense that the critical moment had arrived. He knew that it was the time to call for a response. It was the right time for the people to consecrate themselves. So, right there at Shechem, he issued a very compelling challenge in those closing moments.  The people, on the other hand, could also sense that it was time they should consecrate themselves to the Lord. So, in verses 16-28, they heartily responded to the call and swore their allegiance to God.

To hear something needful is important, but it is more important to understand it and know its implication. This is what happened to the people of Israel at this point. They had heard attentively all that Joshua had said and could understand the drift of his message. They could see how foolish it would be to serve other gods when the one and only true God had been so gracious to them. It would be incredulous if they still chose to serve other gods after all the things God had done for them. Seeing that it was the goodness of God that had brought them to where they were, they then voiced their resolve in verses 16-18. In one unison voice, they declared their allegiance to God. Is the Lord our choice today? If we have not automatically given Him our time, our talent, our love, and attention, and our all, then our allegiance to Him will be called into question. Where is God in the priority of our life?  

In Joshua 24:19-23. Joshua waived into his challenge a reminder of the righteousness and holiness of God. It was to this holy and righteous God that they had sworn their allegiance. He knew that knowing the true nature of God would help them to stay true to their commitment and allegiance. He told them that if they served Him with integrity, He would bless them. The opposite would also be just as true. If they renege and turn to worship and serve other gods, they would have to pay an inexplicable price. Precisely, because God is holy and righteous, such that He will not tolerate our sin and irresponsible living. Disobedience has consequences. Remember what the Apostle Paul has reminded us in Galatians 6:7? If we sow to the wind, we will reap a whirlwind. But if we sow to God, we will reap holiness and righteousness. We always reap what we sow.

To help them remember their resolution, Joshua set up a memorial. It was a kind of monument that would be a constant reminder to them of the commitment and pledge they had made to God. Why have a monument in life? It is something to hold us accountable. A monument will also keep us in check should we stray from the pledge that we have made to God. It is good to keep some kinds of memento to remind us of the promise we have made to God. Ever thought of having an accountability partner? Someone who will keep us in check and ensure that we do not stray from our commitment. Being in a small group of trusted people is a good way to stay accountable. We all need trusted companions on our divine journey who will hold us accountable to God. Find an accountability group or a partner today! You will definitely be helped.   

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