Monday 17 December 2018

Joshua 24:1-13 – Remember God’s grace in our life

The nation of Israel had come to the point where they had settled in. Each tribe had received their inheritance. Their enemies were either pushed back or kept at bay. Joshua had warned the elders and leaders not to be complacent and told them vehemently never to compromise. What he challenged them to do was to cling and stay committed to the Lord. Their future was looking good. And this was certainly a good time to consolidate, align and build their future. However, if they were not careful, this could also be the most dangerous time of their life.

Joshua also knew that everything they had attained with the help of God could be destroyed by their carelessness. He knew that they had the tendency to forget what the Lord had done for them. Like everyone else, they could develop amnesia and overlook where they came from and where they would have been. In their state of wonderment, they might become oblivious to the looming forces that were waiting to get them if they should let down their guard. While this was a time to rejoice, it was also a time to stay alert. There was the need for them to decide what sort of a future they desire with the Lord. It would spell danger if the mission of their future with God was not carefully thought through and mapped out. The attainment of the destiny one hopes for must begin with the first step in the right direction. A false start would take them where they wouldn’t want to go. As it was for them so it will also be for us. 

So wisely Joshua assembled the elders, the leaders, and people from every tribe at Shechem. He then led them into a time of reflection and recollection of what the Lord had done for them. The purpose of this exercise was to help them remember where they came from and where they could have been, had the Lord not intervened in their circumstances. Like them, we too need to programme into our lives, times for periodical introspection. This exercise will help us to keep our life in check and align.  

Tracing their history as God’s people Joshua showed them how privileged they were. In short, God had granted their forefathers the privilege of experiencing His power, His presence, and His provision. From the time God called their forefathers from the pagan society of Terah, from Abraham to Isaac and Jacob, God had been gracious. When the children of Israel went to Egypt and came under Pharaoh’s bondage, God sent Moses and Aaron to their rescue. All along their journey and in every difficult turn of event, God was gracious and delivered them from their enemies. Even when they had been disobedient God had been more than magnanimous to them. God had a hand in every victory they experienced. He was the one who had driven the enemies out of Canaan to give them their inheritance. Joshua’s recollection of the exploits God had granted them was to help them to be humble and show gratitude toward God. Like them, it is also good for us to set time aside ever so often to recall all that God through Jesus has done for us. It will help to keep us humble, grateful, loyal and faithful. Whether we know it or not, God has a hand in every victory we experience in life. We must be forever grateful to Him.     

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