Tuesday 30 October 2018

Joshua 5:10-12 – Yielding to God

Planning and preparation are critical steps to take to experience success in any undertaking. So, Joshua being a military man knew this well. Hence as they were closed by to Jericho, he went out to scout around and do some reconnaissance so that he could plan his next move. The phrase “lifted up his eyes and looked” could well be an indication that he praying as he looked around. As he did that he saw a man standing opposite him with a drawn sword in His hand. Not knowing that it was God who came to lead them into battle, Joshua boldly asked him to identify his mission. He wanted to know if this man was for them or for their adversaries.

God had often time appeared in human form to His people. This is what is termed, theophany. He appeared to Moses in as a burning bush that was not consumed by the fire, so, he now appeared to Joshua as a man with a drawn sword in His hand. He told Joshua that He came to him as the Captain of the host of the Lord. He was not there not to take a side, but to take over. Like Joshua, we need to know that God wants to lead us in our endeavors to live an overcoming life. He will never leave us alone in any battle we have to do in life. We must learn to cultivate a spirit of dependence and trust. presence is our assurance of success.

We also need to know that if we are to experience success, submission to God’s leading is critical. Like what God asked Moses to do when he appeared to him in the burning bush, he now asked Joshua to do. He was to take off his shoes for he was standing on holy ground. This taking off the shoes is a call to submit. It is a call to yield to His Lordship. We can never experience the leading of the Lord if we will not submit and yield to Him. That was precisely what Joshua did and so must we.  This is another crucial step to the victory in our spiritual journey, that is to relinquish our leadership to the will of God. Bear in mind that we are only His vessels and servant. It behooves us to follow Him in everything and to obey every instruction He gives.

At this point, it must be said that Joshua was under a tremendous weight here. He was leading several millions of people to successfully overcome the dominating forces of the enemy. More than anything, he needed to know that God will be with him in the conquest. He needed to know that what God had promised to be with him is real. He was in effect experiencing the reality of the promise. God here was telling Joshua that he was not fighting the battle alone. He would be with him as the Captain to direct them in the battle. The point is this: in our attempt to lead a victorious life, the issue is never about the presence of God in our battle to live an overcoming life. The issue is our ability to His leadership and obeying Him as He guides us.          

As we seek to overcome the trials and temptation encounter in our journey, we can be assured of the presence of the Lord. There is a necessity to acknowledge His leadership in our life. We are never alone in our struggles no matter how huge the circumstance we face may be. Just as He was with Moses and Joshua, God is with us. Didn’t Jesus say, “Lo, I am with you even to the end of the ages”?  Beloved, the battle in our life is not ours to bear alone. He is there to lead us to victory. So just submit and yield to His Leadership. Yielding to God to His Lordship is an important key to victory in life. As Jim Elliot so wisely said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose.” Let just do it. 

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Yes, no point to have God’s presence but don’t obey Him. We have to submit to His leading to be victorious. God & man must collaborate to experience victories. Thank you, Pastor Clarence, for expanding these verses & helped us in understanding. God bless you abundantly!
