Monday 19 February 2018

Job 31 – God chastens those He loves

Job had come to the conclusion of a long speech in chapter 31. Here we see a series of personal avowals and insistences of his innocence. He was so sure that he was not guilty of any of the charges made against him that he was prepared to subject himself to a curse, should any of the charges be found true in his life. He was confident that he did not sin against God nor man.

In verses 1-12, he vowed that he was not guilty of any sexual sin. Early in life he had made a decision not to look at a young virgin lustfully. And adultery was definitely out of his life. Regarding his treatment of his slaves and the poor and needy, Job never dealt with them unjustly. In verses 25-28 he insisted that he was neither covetous nor idolatrous. He was generous and magnanimous, and never unkind or malicious. In reality he was very hospitable and would not take advantage of those around him or those he met. He would be more than glad to face the consequences if he could be proven guilty.

Lessons to be learnt from Job’s insistence of his innocence. It is God’s absolute prerogative to act as He wills. Hardship does not necessary mean punishment of sin. In truth we know that the storms of life are allowed by God so that our character can be forged and harnessed. There is no necessity to insist on self-indictment. Being overly scrupulous in dealing with our conscience can lead to needless suspicion of the goodness of God. Just remember what Jesus said in John 15. Every branch i.e. every Christian, that bears fruits He will prune so that he or she will bear more fruit. When God prunes us it’s because He loves and appreciates us. Know that if His eyes are on the lesser sparrow, He will surely watch over us.  That’s the promise of Jesus!  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you dear Pastor Clarence for enlightening us here. It is very comforting to know that our God cares for us & love us so much. Surely He will take care of us! May God’s love & peace surround you every moment too, dear Pastor!
