Thursday 16 November 2017

Genesis 40:9-19 – Tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant

Joseph offered to interpret the dreams of the two royal prisoners. So the chief cupbearer began first. In his dream he saw a vine in front of him; and on the vine were three branches. And as it was budding, its blossoms came out, and its clusters produced ripe grapes. He also saw the cup of Pharaoh in his hand; so he took the grapes and squeezed them into Pharaoh’s cup, and then put the cup into Pharaoh’s hand. To Joseph this was a very pleasant and positive dream. The interpretation was straight forward. The three branches he saw in the dream represent three days. He further explained that within three more days Pharaoh would restore the cupbearer to his former position. His head will be lifted meaning he would recover his dignity, respect and freedom, and would resume his duty as Pharaoh’s cupbearer.  

Know it or not, Joseph was very sure and confident that what he told the cupbearer would certainly come to pass. He was firm and authoritative concerning the interpretation. So he asked the cupbearer to do him a favour when he was restored. He told the cupbearer to remember him when he returned to his position of favour. Joseph requested that the cupbearer make mention of his plight to the king. For he was sure in his heart of hearts that he had done nothing to deserve his plight. For eleven years he had been tested unremittingly. He was unjustly thrown into the pit and his youth was stolen from him. The truth about tough times is this: they shape and make us the person God intends us to be when we submit to the purpose of trials. Joseph’s life shows us that this is true and he was on the way to become the perfect man lacking nothing. His life is worth emulating.   

Meanwhile, the baker who also had a dream was nearby. At first, he held back because he was probably waiting to see what Joseph would say of the cupbearer’s dream. When he heard how favorable the interpretation of the dream was, he decided to narrate his to Joseph too. So he said, “I also saw in my dream, and behold, there were three baskets of white bread on my head; and in the top basket there were some of all sorts of baked food for Pharaoh, and the birds were eating them out of the basket on my head.” Unfortunately, the baker’s preparation of the variety of food were devoured by the birds of the air. The three baskets he saw was also referring to the duration before the dream would come to pass. It would take place in three days’ time. Joseph told him that he would be beheaded and impaled on a tree, and the birds of prey would feast on it. It was totally bad news. 

For sure it is always easy to speak of pleasant things, but difficult when we have to announce something unpleasant. But life is not just one long piece of pleasantry. Along with the sunshine there also come rain. But a true and faithful servant of God would be truthful, be it pleasant or unpleasant. And Joseph was such a person. He would not adulterate what was true. He told it as it was. Hence, he had set the bar for us. As people who yearn to be God’s instrument to help others, we need to tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant. We must always remember that we are just His mouthpiece and should not pander to people’s itchy ears. Truth may hurt but it prepares us to face reality. Let’s speak the truth but speak it in love!  

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