Wednesday 2 August 2017

Genesis 8:20-22 – Let’s build an altar to God with our life

Ever wondered how the earth looked like after the flood? Everyone prior to the flood was gone. Except for Noah, his wife, his three sons and their wives, and the animals he took with him into the ark, not a single soul was in sight. Every thing that ever existed was annihilated. Noah and his family came out unscathed from the catastrophic flood. Just imagine Noah standing alone in the wide open heaven. What was on Noah’s mind? He had walked with God and obeyed Him without hesitation. Everything God told him would happen, happened. He obeyed God and carried out every instruction to its minutest detail. Now what’s left was the devastation brought about by the flood. Where should he begin? The first thought he had then would be telling. Verse 20 shows us what was on his mind. The Creator God. The one whom He had walked with and obeyed unquestioningly. It must have dawned on him how right it was for him to trust God. So He must come first, all else can wait. He built an altar to God.

Noah remembered God. When he saw the devastation of the flood, he knew exactly what grace meant. He knew he needed to start life right. The first place to begin right with life is an altar to God. Without Him nothing else matters. Building an altar to God is the most important thing and must be the first thing in life. Not only was it for Noah but also for everyone who wants to experience life’s real purpose. We live to worship God. Life only has meaning and fulfilment when we begin and continue endlessly to connect with God. He must take first place in our life. The altar is the place we need to stay connected with Him. It is where exchange with the divine takes place. Noah knew that. So it was the first thing He did after the flood. What about us? Where Noah started must also be the place where each one of us must start. The first altar we need to build to God is our relationship with Christ. He is the altar of sacrifice we begin with. But along life’s journey, we will need to build many altars of rededications to Him.  

The offering Noah brought to God was also telling. He only brought the clean animals and birds as offerings to Him. We need to underscore the word clean. It suggests that we need to bring to God what’s pure. The reason for the flood was the rising tide of evil and wickedness. Now that Noah was starting the world anew, it was needful to get things right. More than offering to God what’s pure, we need to give Him what He’s worthy of. Let us offer to God our life as a sweet aroma to Him. A right offering to God means that we think, do and live right, to bring honour to His name.  

What Noah did brought a response from God. It triggered the grace of God. He promised never again to destroy mankind in such a devastating way. Verse 21 shows us that God had chosen to be gracious and forbearing. We are all living under His magnificent grace. He knew the nature that we have adopted since Adam’s fall. He understands what man’s carnal nature would make man do. He knew the nature of man after the fall needs dealing, but He will never do so with a flood ever again. God had allowed the law that He had set in motion to continue to take place. Day and night, seasons, sowing and harvesting are laws He had set in motion and will continue to take place. Again God had made us beings with the liberty to make our own choice. He left the option to choose wisely, to man. So chose to build an altar to Him with our life. 

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