Tuesday 6 December 2016

John 18:33-38a – The moment of truth

John 18:33 tells us that Pilate returned to the praetorium and asked Jesus a direct question, "Are you the King of the Jews?" The emphasis here is on the pronoun “You.” Pilate was obviously curious over what’s happening. He had begun to wonder about Jesus and was trying to make sense of everything. However, a “yes” or “no” answer from the Lord would have severely disadvantaged Him. If he said “yes,” Pilate would have concluded that the Jews had regarded Him as a king and would consider Him a threat to Caesar. If he had said "no," Pilate would think that He was not a king after all.

So Jesus responded by asking him two questions. “Are you saying this on your own initiative, or did others tell you about Me?” He wanted Pilate to clarify his position. Was Pilate asking Him as a Jews or a Roman? Did he really want to know the truth about Jesus or was he merely a pawn of the Jewish religious authority. He was put on a spot by Jesus. In a sense Pilate was on trial. He then tried to get out with this sarcastic retort, “I am not a Jew, am I? Your own nation and the chief priests delivered You to me; what have You done?” Pilate had no clue and was seeking to unravel his curiosity on what was going on.

Jesus then answered him directly saying, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm.” What was Jesus saying? He had just proclaimed Himself to be a king of the spirit realm. The realm He operates from may not be visible, but the effect is felt in the physical world, in terms of sin forgiven and physical condition restored. And as a spiritual king, He executes His rule differently. He has no need to resort to aggression or brute force, which He so clearly demonstrated, when He chided Peter and told him to put away his sword. And as King, He is still healing the broken just as He did in restoring Melchus’ ear that Peter had lopped off.

Pilate was thrown into disarray by His answer. Had Jesus proclaimed Himself to be an earthly king, his decision would be easy. He would have easily given the order to have Him executed. But here Jesus had revealed that He is king from another realm. So He was not guilty politically. On deeper reflection, Jesus’ answer to Pilate was clearly this: Yes, I am a king, but a king of another realm. It’s really not the kind you are thinking about. But nonetheless I am a king. You are absolutely right to say so.

As a king, Jesus came to make His people face the way things really are. He came to encounter us with the truth so that we can face it. Hence everyone who loves the truth will listen to Him. This is the test set before Pilate. Was he prepared to face the truth? That was the moment of truth. Does Pilate really love the truth or was he even ready for the truth? He obviously was not. So he turned cynical, by asking “What is truth?”

“What is truth?” This is the same question that makes all of us stand transparent before the Lord of truth. The truth of the whole matter is this – the sinless king came here to give His life for a sinful world. Everyone who is convinced of this has the truth but everyone who denies this does not have the truth. We thank God for His revelation concerning the truth. And we are grateful for the divine enablement to embrace the truth. So let us now continue to grow in the truth.    

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