Friday 5 August 2016

Luke 23:35-43 - Christ's Incredible Love

Today, most people, if not all, are so numbed to the horror of the cross. While Christians may wear the cross to identify them as Christ's followers, most have become insensitized to its obscene horror. Honestly, the excruciating agony had been lost to us modern Christians, who have become so cauterized. Just think of the whip that tore up His back is enough to send chills down one's spine. Then His entire body was hung up on the wooden cross only by long spikes driven through the carpal tunnels of both hands and the metatarsals of the feet. All these expertly done without shattering any bone. His whole body would be wreaking with extreme pain. 

Then there was the failing respiratory system, because of the hanging position, that would render Him incapable of taking a breath normally. What about the pleural effusion, i.e. the accumulation of fluid in the pleural space of the lungs. Words fail to adequately describe the extreme agony our Lord went through. The cross speaks of extreme pain, but it also shows us God's extreme love. Nothing in this whole wide world, in fact the whole universe, can reveal God's love to us better the cross of Christ. For the health of our soul, we need to carefully knit this truth into our daily reflection.

As we reflect on Luke 23:35-43, we cannot fail to see the incredible love of Christ, amidst the mockery of the rulers, the soldiers and the thief. One wonders how could the people just stand idly by, and observe the whole scene without any feeling. It would be worst if we shift our thoughts to see the insensitivity of the rulers, the soldiers and one of the two criminals who sneered, mocked and derided Jesus. How could they be so unfeeling, so dead in their conscience to make fun of Him in such a moment?

Inspite of all that He was undergoing and in His dying moments, Christ could still find the space in His magnanimous heart to answer the request of a criminal. In response to his request, Christ answered Him in verse 43, “Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise.” What incredible love! What incredible grace! The criminal's salvation on the eleventh hour speaks loudly. He was saved to show us that none need to despair. From this last minute salvation, we see that none is beyond the hope of the grace of God. There is no sin so damning except the rejection of Christ. No matter how wretched we may feel, the magnanimous Lord wants to forgive us to the fullest. We can share a life with Him in paradise here on earth! Don’t waste it!

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