Saturday 20 August 2016

John 1:29-34 – Behold, the Lamb of God!

As we have already discovered, John the Baptist came to point the people to the Messiah. It must have been a glorious moment when Jesus the Messiah appeared, and John’s eyes behold the very person he had come to proclaim. Without hesitation John announced, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”

Pause a while and let’s allow that statement to sink in! Already at the very start of this Gospel we are given a glimpse into the heart of the Gospel. We are explicitly told that Jesus, the Lamb of God, is going to take away our sin. Notice that this act of deliverance is not just confined to the people of Israel. It has a far wider impact. He will take away the sin of the world. What a glorious plan! You and I were in His redemption plan. Thank you Lord! What a privilege!

The Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, is not only John’s message, it must be ours too! In fact, this message began as early as in Genesis. The patriarch, Abraham, prophesied His sacrifice in Genesis 22:8 saying, God Himself shall provide the lamb for the sacrifice….” In the Passover in Exodus, we see the principle of His sacrifice applied. Then in Isaiah 53, the prophet personified for us that sacrifice. Here in John’s Gospel, the Lamb for the sacrifice is identified. And in the final book of the Bible, in Revelation 5:9–14, the sacrificial death of Christ is magnified. No wonder this Lamb deserves all the glory and the praise. And He is our message and our song. Yes indeed He is worthy to receive glory, honor, power and praise!

There is no question of Christ’s pre-eminence. So John emphasized that again, saying, “This is the one I meant when I said, ‘A man who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.’” He should be our priority. John came preaching repentance and baptizing people who had the desire to change. That was only as far as it went, for the power to change can only come about through the message of Christ.  John’s baptism was only in water, but baptism Christ conducts would be a baptism of the Holy Spirit. Our ability to leave our old life of sin and lead a transformed life, comes only from being immersed in the Holy Spirit!

It is through this same Spirit that John recognized Jesus, the Lamb. John who conducted the Lord’s baptism not only saw the Spirit like a dove alighting on Him but also remained with Him. Furthermore, John was told by God with clear indication that Jesus is the One Who baptizes with the Holy Spirit. Having seen the whole wonder, John the Baptist with great assurance and certainty, asserted that Jesus Christ is indeed God’s Chosen One. Like John we can be just as thrilled in the presence of the very One who has called us to Himself and filled us with His Spirit. So let us live to honor Him!

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