Saturday 4 June 2016

Luke 12:54-59 - Discerning the Time

With the prospects of the cross getting closer and the crowds' careless insensitivity, Christ voiced His concern in Luke 12:54-59. These people were so used to the Palestinian weather that when the west wind blew, they could immediately tell that it was going to rain soon. And when the south wind blew they knew instantly that it was going to be a very hot day because it usually brought the hot desert heat with it. Here Christ chided them for their passivity pertaining to spiritual matter.

The coming of Jesus and the changing tide that He brought was impregnated with spiritual fervor. They should have known that He was no ordinary person through the healings and deliverance that He had brought. They should have known that He was not just another rabbi or prophet from His authoritative teachings. Any person with spiritual sensitivity should have seen the truth and recognize the Christ and responded to Him. But they didn't. Despite His many proofs the crowds remained oblivious of the coming judgement. That brought about a rebuke from Him. He called them hypocrites. They could see the truth yet would blindly side with the Pharisees. He urged them to take initiative and rightly judge the event based on its true value.

Verses 58-59 is a short parable. Essentially He tells the crowd that people who are aware of their guilt, should wisely settle the matter with their opponent on the way to court. If they choose to ignore the matter and not face up to their wrong, they will have to pay costly for it. In the same way, just as the wrath of God is upon their souls, they should quickly settle it with Him in this life. Else they will have to face Him at the final judgement. They will then have to pay dearly for it. However, if they settle it now, they will have nothing to fear in the final judgment.  

Personally we should be evaluating the season of our lives now. What is God saying to us at this point? Don't be so caught up with the mundane till we fail to recognize the important issue. Be vitally connected to Him! Keep short accounts with Him!   

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