Sunday 24 April 2016

Luke 6:46–49 – Acting on the Word of Jesus

Can a Christian who claims to be a disciple of Christ not obey His Word? Verse 46 tells us that it is possible. If not, why should the Lord ask the question, “Why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I say?” The implication in this verse is obvious. There are those who would listen to Christ’s Word but not obey what He says. Notice that word “Lord” is mentioned twice in verse 46. It indicates a forceful affirmation of allegiance. Such people apparently strongly assert their allegiance, but would then fail to live through their assertion by not obeying His Word. There were those among His disciples that did not do what He said nor made a habit of obeying His Word. Hence, Jesus here gave warning of what would happen when His Word is not obeyed. In it He also gave instruction to be obedient to all that He had said.

Using a house as an illustration, He said that one who hears His word but not act upon it is like a house built without foundation. It cannot stand the storm of life. It collapses during hard time. Let this be a warning to us too. Whether we stand or fall depends largely on whether we hear and act on His Word or not. With Jesus there is no middle ground. Those with a foundation in life are those who hear the Word of Christ and act on it. This is where faithful disciples can be differentiated. They are Christians who faithfully come to the Word of God, hear it, then go and act upon it. He is like one who has built his house on the foundation of Christ the Rock. Notice that it requires effort to accomplish that. It requires digging and laying a foundation on the rock. All these suggest efforts and diligent work. 

Notice the three parts of the process - coming, hearing and acting. The process always begins with coming. Drawing near to Jesus is critical. There must be the willingness. When a willing heart is there, we will make the time and the effort to come to Him in devotion, in solitude and in corporate worship in church, to meet and encounter Him. Coming and drawing near to Him brings us to the second part of the process i.e. hearing. Drawing close enables us to then hear what He has to say. This part requires attentiveness. Jesus words are always audible when we are attentive. If you have ever taken an airplane to anywhere, you would have been exposed to the time when the flight attendants explain the use of air mask and life vest and emergency procedure. Many people may be in the flight but most would pay no attention to the instruction. In other words they are not attentive. Like them some would come to Jesus, but pay no attention to hear what He is saying. But a true disciple not only draws near, he also pays attention to what the Lord would say. Coming and hearing are two critical parts of the process of building a strong life. But they cannot take the place of acting upon the instruction given. We must always seek to practice what we have heard from the Lord. Every time we hear the Word and are touched, we must make up our mind to put the word into practice. It takes the will and resolve of a person.

Whether we come or not come, hear or not hear, do or not do, the outcome is revealing. So let’s start right today. We must make it a point to draw near to Christ and be a hearer and truly listen. Having done that, resolve to act on it. There are only two kinds of house we can build out of our life – one with a foundation or one without. Which house do we prefer? The choice is ours!   

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