Monday 15 February 2016

Revelation 8:6-13 - The sounding of the first four trumpets

The stage has been set for the sounding of the seven trumpets. Seven angels steady themselves, each with a trumpet, are ready to sound them. Every time each of the first four trumpets sounds, a plague, a catastrophic event took place on earth. The plagues are reminiscence of what the Egyptians had experienced. Only this time around, the effect is on a world-wide scale and not confined to only one country. This is God’s warning not only for one country but for all mankind.
The blowing of the first trumpet sends hail and fire mixed with blood that devastates a third of earth and its vegetation. The sound of the second trumpet sends something like a mountain burning with fire that comes hurling into the sea, making a third of it to become like blood, killing a third of the creatures in the sea and destroying a third of the ships. At the sound of the third trumpet, a star, burning like a torch, fell from heaven on a third of the rivers and springs of water, making the water poisonous. Many people died from drinking the water. We are told that the name of the star is Wormwood. In the Old Testament Wormwood is a bitter wood used in connection with the consequences of idolatry. It signifies calamity, sorrow, and bitterness as a result.
When the fourth trumpet sounds, a third of the sun, moon and stars are struck, bringing darkness for one third of the time. This is describing a decrease in the intensity of available light resulting from the sun, moon and stars being darkened by a third. Verse 12 also tells us of the total absence of light for a third part of both day and night. This is a reminder of what took place in the ninth plague in Egypt, where thick darkness spread over the land for a period of three days.
Just pause and consider the wonderful creation of God, and how He had made this world so beautiful, that the four living creatures and the elders should praise and worship Him. There is no denial that God had made this earth, He made it good and He said so in Genesis. How then can God allow a third of all His good creation be destroyed? How can He consent that a third of His creature on earth, the trees, the sea and its creatures, the river and even the sun, moon and stars be destroyed through these plagues?
This can partly be explained when we consider the seriousness of sin. God cannot just allow evil to proliferate and gross over the seriousness of evil. His very nature demands that wickedness and evil must be dealt with drastically. Bear in mind that Revelation is more symbolic and should not be mistaken for reality. John’s first readers probably understood that he was not talking about a third of earth, sea and all that were being destroyed. They knew that he was talking about God’s radical action to rid evil. John was talking about the necessity to remove the deadly effect of evil in order to preserve the rest. Dealing with the façade cannot deliver the millions trapped, enslaved and derogated by the system that only seems good and impressive. A slight adjustment is not adequate, a major and serious revamp is the only way to deal with it.
This sounding of trumpets is a like re-run of the effect of the plagues the Egyptians had experienced. The plagues sent upon the Egyptians affecting their land, water, live stocks, and people were warning of the power of the God of Israel. It would also be a reminder of how God provided a means through the Passover lamb and delivered His people. The plagues now recorded in Revelation would resonate with the people John was writing to. Having this in their mind, they would feel assured of the same result. The Lamb of John’s vison is indeed their true Passover Lamb. As Egypt was smitten as a warning so also would the world be smote by the plagues as a warning. Just as the children of Israel were delivered in the Egyptian’s situation, so also God will deliver His people.
If what we see in the first four trumpets is already bad, just wait till the sounding of the next three trumpets. Hence they were preceded by an eagle’s warning of the woes to follow. God is in the process of reestablishing the rule of heaven on earth. As members of His redeemed company, we must actively collaborate with Him to see His Kingdom come, and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

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