Tuesday 15 September 2015

Matthew 3:11-17 – The Lord’s baptism and affirmation

Although John had quite a following in his ministry yet he was conscious that he came serving One who is greater than him. He recognized that his ministry was to call people to repentance and water baptism, in preparation for Jesus Christ, who is the real deal. And effective as John’s ministry might be, it would be pale in comparison to the Jesus whose sandal he felt he was unworthy even to untie. He baptizes his followers with the Holy Spirit and fire to make them conscious of God’s presence in life, and to purify them in their walk with God.   

Like a skilful farmer with a winnowing fork, the Lord Jesus will separate the chaff from the grain. In saying that He will clear the threshing floor and gather the wheat, John meant that the Lord will gather together all true believers to Himself. Those outside the Kingdom are but chaff that will finally be burnt up with unstoppable fire.

Verse 13 tells us that Jesus came from Galilee to where John was in Jordan and sought to be baptised by him. The Baptist’s first reaction was to stop the Lord from being baptised. After exalting the Lord Jesus and His ministry so glowingly, John couldn’t imagine being the one to baptise Him. However, the Lord knew that the record must be set right. The righteous Lord came to identify with us, sinful humanity. He became as we are, to reach us in our weakness.  

Unknown to John, the Heavenly Father was waiting to affirm His Son. So just as soon as the Lord Jesus came out of the water of baptism, three things took place. The heavens opened; the Holy Spirit descended and alighted on Him in the form of a dove; and the Father spoke audibly from heaven affirming His Son. These three features would mark the Lord throughout His earthly ministry.  

To operate under an open heaven is to have constant revelation and communion with the Father. The Holy Spirit coming on Him tells us that His walk and work were guided by the Holy Spirit. He did not call on His divinity to accomplish what He needed to do on earth. He effectually walked and ministered depending on the guidance of the Holy Spirit. In the same way, we must also depend on the Holy Spirit to guide our lives and direct us in ministry. The voice of the Father’s affirmation was the delight of the Lord. In the same way, we believers must serve not for men’s applause but the affirmation of the Father.

Like John, we need to realize that Jesus is the real deal in our lives. Like the Lord, let’s first be identified with Him in water baptism. In ministry, let’s seek to operate under an open heaven. This only happens when we have an unbroken connection with the Father. We must also serve, guided and directed by the Holy Spirit. And we do all things for the affirmation of God and not men’s applause.  

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