Sunday 17 August 2014

Mark 10:28-31 – Investing in the Kingdom

When the disciples heard Jesus, they were captivated by what He said about stripping oneself of excessive concern in wealth and riches. Each of them must have felt that they had truly left everything behind to follow Jesus. And to be sure they all did. So confidently, Peter exclaimed to the Lord, “Behold, we have left everything and followed You.” We can sense a tinge of pride in what he said. Verses 29-31 show the response of the Lord to Peter’s exclamation, “Truly I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or farms, for My sake and for the gospel’s sake, but that he will receive a hundred times as much now in the present age, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and farms, along with persecutions; and in the age to come, eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first.”

At first glance over these verses, we may get the impression that we must give away everything in order to follow Jesus. Man had interpreted it that way. So down through the history of the Christian faith, many well-meaning believers were seen to have taken vows of poverty to be in line with these instructions. At least this was what they thought so. But were they doing what the Lord had said? The answer is no. Many who were the first to give up everything to follow Him turned out to be last. In many cases, not a single bit of spirituality was found in them. The key, therefore, is this: Jesus was not talking about external things. He was referring to one’s mindset and attitude toward possession. Every serious believer must come to his possession with the mindset that whatever things God has given me are not to be hoarded. They must be invested and used to expand the work of Him who had given me. We are not owners, we are stewards of the possessions entrusted to us. Eventually we will have to give an account of our responsibility. With this attitude, we won’t be upset when what we have are taken from us and given to another. For to begin with, they were not ours.

Furthermore, when we have this attitude, we will discover that we can never out-do God. He will multiply whatever we have invested in for Him, more than a hundred-fold. We open your homes for the advancement of God’s cause, we will soon find a hundred doors to homes and more being opened up to us. We will find that we have more friendships and relationships as close as with brothers and sisters, mothers, fathers, and children. We find we have more opening up to us, more than we can ever conceive. But of course alongside all these would come the trials as well.  But they are there only to develop us and prepare us for the ultimate life in eternity.

We must live for the Lord with this kind of mentality. Hold the things of this world with a gentle grasp. Be ready to let go if need be. Know that God had granted us everything not for self-aggrandizement but to advance His purpose.  Bear in mind that we will be called to account for all that we are holding in trust for Him. For in that day, many whom we consider had not given up much could be those who will be richly rewarded. And the reverse could also be true. Many who seemingly had sacrificed much and whom many thought would be first may end up in the last chair. For Christ’s sake, adopt a right view of life and possession!

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