Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Nehemiah 8:13-18 – Gather to celebrate God’s faithfulness

The next day, all the heads of households, the priests, and the Levites gathered to listen to Ezra explain the words of the law. As they heard the law being read and explained, they discovered that they were to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles.

According to the law, the children of Israel were instructed to gather branches from the mountains and construct temporary shelters. They were to live in them during the seven-day observance of the Feast of Tabernacles. With its huge historical significance, this important feast was instituted for the people of Israel to express their gratitude and commemorate when they migrated from Egypt to the Promised Land.

Upon learning this decree, the people united and cooperated. They gathered branches and built shelters for the upcoming Feast of Tabernacles. When the feast began, they moved to live in these shelters. They stayed in them for the entire celebration, thus observing the feast in a way that had yet to be done since the time of Joshua.

The people found profound joy and deep spiritual fulfillment in faithfully obeying the law. During the feast days, Ezra openly read the Book of the Law to the gathered assembly. On the 8th day, following the conclusion of the feast, the Israelites held a solemn assembly as commanded by the Law of Moses.

The importance of obedience and unity of God’s people can never be overemphasized. God’s word, when understood must be obeyed. Know it or not, obeying God always brings a deep sense of fulfillment and joy. The church today must remember the goodness of God and what He had done for us through Christ. We too must not neglect our weekly gathering to commemorate, celebrate, express our gratitude, and remember the faithfulness of God.

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