Friday, 2 August 2024

Nehemiah 2:1-4 – Every prayer answered is a divine coincidence

Nehemiah’s concern for the situations back home in Jerusalem was apparent. He must have been grief-stricken thinking about them. And as providence would have it, the king noticed it. The king’s interest was not a coincidence. It was undoubtedly a response to Nehemiah’s prayer. Serving the king with a sad countenance was not just risky; it was dangerous. It could incur royal displeasure, leading to grave consequences. Yet, Nehemiah was willing to take this risk, showing his deep commitment to his people and faith.  

It is crucial to recognize that every response to prayer is a divine intervention. The king’s notice of Nehemiah’s sad countenance and subsequent inquiry presented the perfect opportunity for Nehemiah to express his sorrow and tactfully seek permission to restore Jerusalem. All these unfolded in the 12th year of Artaxerxes’ reign while Nehemiah was in the king’s service, demonstrating the power of prayer and divine timing.  

Nehemiah’s commitment to Jerusalem was unwavering. He could have resigned to pessimism and left it to chance. However, his intense concern for his people and the situation back home generated a deep desire to be God’s instrument and play his part in restoring Jerusalem. After all, Jerusalem was the place God had set apart to make His dwelling and name known. Nehemiah’s mission to restore it was of utmost significance.   

Verse 4 reveals the king’s initiative in inviting Nehemiah to state his needs for the task. At this moment, Nehemiah turned to God in prayer before responding. This act underscores the truth that prayer is the most powerful tool for accessing divine wisdom in an instant. Nehemiah’s prayer was not just a formality but a sincere plea for guidance, and his response to the king directly resulted from this divine wisdom. As demonstrated in his response, Nehemiah’s reliance on God is a powerful example.

Nehemiah’s experience teaches us the power of faith and commitment. His unwavering faith in God and his deep commitment to his people and their welfare led him to take significant risks to fulfill the mission of restoring Jerusalem. His story reminds us that when we are driven by a strong sense of purpose and guided by faith, we can overcome obstacles and make a meaningful impact, even in seemingly impossible situations. Like him, we must remain steadfast in our beliefs and trust God as we pursue the mandate He had entrusted to us.

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