Saturday, 8 June 2024

Hosea 4:4-10 – Provide sound leadership

In the first three verses of chapter 4, God, through Hosea, accuses the people of Israel of three things. They lack faithfulness, love, and knowledge of God. In verses 4-10, God put the blame squarely on the priesthood. The priests are primarily responsible for the widespread of Israel's national corruption.

How so? They did not teach the law rightly. The nation’s deplorable condition attests to the priests' failure. They did not teach the law of God appropriately, leading to ignorance of God or His ways. This lack of knowledge has caused the people to be wayward, thus destroying them. Since they had forgotten God and His law, He would, in return, reject them as His priests.

The priests are entitled to receive the meat of the sin offering. Driven by their greed, they would encourage the people to make more offerings, not for the sake of their spiritual growth, but for their own profit. The more they offer, the more meat they would get.  Yet unwittingly, the more the people would offer, the more they would multiply their sins.

The priests, as guilty as the people, if not more, had all but stopped heeding the instructions of the Lord. Their waywardness, driven by their own desires, would never satisfy their needs.  Instead of satisfaction, they would receive disappointment, a consequence of their own actions.


Hosea 4:4-10 reminds us of the responsibility and accountability that come with our roles as spiritual leaders. It emphasizes the importance of responsibly guiding and shepherding others. Leaders must diligently teach and uphold the principles of God and not be driven by greed or personal gain. What leaders do will impact their own well-being as well as those whom they are leading!   



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