Monday, 10 June 2024

Hosea 4:15-19 – Following and being godly models

In Hosea 4:15-19, the prophet's words were sent as a warning to Judah. Israel had become hopelessly entrenched in harlotry and idolatry. Based on Israel's judgment, Judah was appropriately warned. The message is clear: Judah could prevent the same outcome by avoiding the misdeeds of Israel.

Unlike Israel, Judah was not yet gripped by Baal's worship and had not turned away from God.  Israel's judgment would be a very timely warning. In verses 15-19, Hosea identifies four downright sins of Israel that Judah should avoid. 

Firstly, the people of Judah were sternly advised to steer clear of Gilgal or Beth-aven. During Samuel's time, these were revered religious centers that he would frequently visit in his circuit (1 Samuel 7:16).  However, over time, Gilgal had transformed into a notorious cult center, and Bethel had degenerated into Beth-aven, a den of idols, wickedness, and trouble. These places, once sacred, had now become a trap for the faithful. Hosea, therefore, urged the people to avoid these places at all costs.   

Secondly, they were warned about swearing falsely. It's insulting to God that the people should use the statement 'As the Lord lives' to make their oaths in these cultic centers before idols. The people of Judah were warned not to do it.  

Thirdly, verse 16 warns the people of Judah of being stubborn like Israel in the north. The latter had become like a bull that refused to yield to its owner. Ephraim is another name for Israel, who had joined to the hip with idolatry.  God would let her go in her uncontrollable wildness.

Fourthly, Israel had excessively engaged in liquor and harlotry. The leaders, instead of warning the people, were themselves wrapped up in the shameful sexual immorality.  They would end up in shame.

Hosea 4:15-19 shows us who we model after in life is important. We will have a godly life if we choose the right model or a depraved life when we have a bad one. Hence choosing who to emulate is critical. Choose your model carefully.  More importantly, we must be the right model for people who look up to us.



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