Sunday 14 April 2024

Daniel 7:5 – The rise of the Medo-Persian empire

Daniel 7:5 records the second beast that the prophet witnessed in his prophetic visions. This creature, resembling a bear, emerged to succeed the first beast. It rose from one side with three ribs between the teeth of its mouth. A voice commanded the beast to “Arise and devour and eat.”


Again, this bear-like beast corresponds with the breast and arms of silver of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the colossal statue in Daniel 2. And we all know that the historical empire that rose after Babylon was Medo-Persia. This is the dominant power that both Nebuchadnezzar's and Daniel's visions were referring to.


The bear’s emergence from one side, a symbolic representation of Persia, highlights its dominance in the Medo-Persian empire. Historical records confirm that Persia conquered Media, leading to the formation of the Medo-Persia empire. 


The three ribs in the mouth of this second beast were not just symbols but the actual powers that the Medo-Persian empire subjugated. They were Babylon, Lydia, which is modern-day Turkey, and Egypt. This was a clear demonstration of the empire's strength and its ability to conquer and control.  

Remembering that Daniel's message was delivered to a people in exile is crucial. The second beast that rose to conquer the first beast would be a reminder to them that whoever was in control was not the ultimate power. God is the ultimate power, and He is in control. Understanding God's sovereignty not only instills trust in Him but also provides a comforting reassurance, even when we don't comprehend the future. Like the exiled people, our security lies in the hands of the one who holds the future. Trust in God; He has our future.  

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