Friday 1 March 2024

Ezekiel 47:13-23 - God is faithful and impartial.

This portion of the scriptures in Ezekiel 47:13-23 deals with the boundary and division of the land to the tribes of Israel. It was to be distributed equally to all the tribes except for the Levites. However, the tribe of Joseph would be given two portions. This was because Israel in his dying breath adopted his two sons, Ephraim and Menasseh as his sons. In essence Joseph had replaced Reuben as Israel’s first born. Through his two sons he was given double portions of the inheritance. Reuben, as we know, forfeited his right as the first born because of his sin with his father’s concubine.

Verses 15-20 define the boundary of the land to be divided and distributed. The whole piece of land to be divided equally and given was smaller than the one that Moses and afterward Joshua had. This is because the land on the east of Jordan was not part of the new division.

The boundaries of the land are then delineated. The north starts from Tyre near the top of Jordan. The eastern would stretch along the Jordan to the end of the dead Sea. The south border would be the end the Dead Sea to the brook of Egypt. And the west would be marked by the strip of coastal land along Mediterranean Sea.

In verses 21-23, the foreigners who had dwelled among the tribes and assimilated into the nation of Israel would be included in the division of the land. They would be granted permanent lots near to the tribes they dwelled with. In this way, God all along had in mind the Gentiles in His plan. That’s seen in the Gospel. Through Christ, God has the whole world in mind.

What lessons can we glean from this portion of Scriptures? Firstly, we can see the faithfulness and impartiality of God. His faithfulness is in seen in His staying true to the promise through the passing time. He remains true to His promise despite the failings of His people. His impartiality is seen in the equal portion that each tribe would receive.


Secondly, we learn that in His grace, God would include the Gentiles in His plan. According to Paul in His letter to the Ephesians, Christ had abolished the dividing walls between Jews and Gentiles and united the two fractions in Him. Believers in Christ are all part of God’s commonwealth and citizens of God’s Kingdom. And such we shall be and live for Him.


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