Friday 8 December 2023

Ezekiel 23:5-10 – The need to keep our old nature in check.

Having established that Oholah refers to the Northern Kingdom of Israel, the prophet now proceeds to detail her failure and unfaithfulness to her covenant Lord in Ezekiel 23:5-10. God was recounting how the people of Israel, though His, would continue to court other lovers. It was an old inclination that the nation had since her days in Egypt. Israel had thrown herself to other lovers in terms of her political alliances. In doing so, they were obliged to adopt the pagan idols of their political allies. To God that constituted a spiritual adultery. These verses zoom in on her harlotry with the Assyria.   

Metaphorically, Israel was particularly drawn to Assyria, who came to her with much attractiveness - young, dashing, and handsome warriors. Israel was attracted by the outward appearance of the military strength of Assyria. Because political alliance always meant being entangled with the idols of the allies, Israel’s alliance with Assyria caused her ingrained habit of unfaithfulness to act up. She got involved again. This time she had defiled herself with Assyria’s idols. Pledging loyalty to the king of Assyria and their idols and gods was necessary to gain trust. In all these, Israel had shown herself to be recalcitrant in her unfaithfulness.

Therefore, God gave her up into the hand of Assyria. Her nakedness was uncovered meaning her land was ravished and destroyed. This could take place because God’s protective covering over her was removed. The Assyrians took captive the people of Israel and eliminated Oholah with the sword meaning Israel was destroyed. In 722 B.C. the northern kingdom of Israel was eliminated.     


Israel was dazzled by the military might of the Assyrians and was drawn into an alliance with them. Unwittingly, the alliance included adopting their idols.  We need to remember the proverb that says, “All that glitters is not gold.” We need to remember not everything that looks precious may not necessarily be true and beneficial. The things of this word dazzle, but the hidden entanglement can be more than what bargain for. Focusing on outward appearance without considering the hidden cost is detrimental to one’s desire to build a godly life. Remember to count the cost of any commitment we are making.


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