Wednesday 12 April 2023

Jeremiah 17:12-13 – Our hope and security is in God

How pathetic the people of Judah were as we consider the paths they had chosen to walk. It was sheer folly for them to depart from the true God,  their Covenant Lord, their source of life. It was unthinkably stupid for them to choose to depart from Him, and like the pagans went after false gods. In Jeremiah 17:1, we were told that their sins were carved on their hearts and even on the horns of the altar. In other words, on the most sacred part of the altar that belonged to God, they made to bear the names of false gods.  

Now in Jeremiah 17:12-13, the prophet was redirecting the attention of the people to the true God, who had chosen to make Jerusalem His dwelling place. Jerusalem was synonymous with the exalted throne of God. He was the true hope of Israel, and their security was in Him. He should be the one the people ought to trust with their whole hearts. For He was the source of their living. He alone could provide nourishment to them like streams of living water to thriving green trees.  

In Jeremiah 17:13 we see a reiteration of what the prophet had earlier said in verse 11. There, Jeremiah talked about the result of those who had placed their hope and trust in their own strength and not in God. They had chosen to turn away from Him. According to him, their lives would be wasted and useless.  Like shrubs planted in barren and waste desert ground their growth would be stunted. The emphasis in verse 13 is on those who had chosen to forsake God. They would be depriving themselves of the fountain of living water, the source of life.  Their end would be a shame.

These two verses underscore for us to the need build a steadfast faith in God. It is important that our faith in God be immovable and unchanged. How do we build steadfast faith? Here are a few suggestions: Fix our eyes on Jesus; don’t get distracted; stay connected with God by spending time in the Word and prayer. Fellowship with like-minded believers. Bear in mind that the things of the world may seem more attractive, but true security can only be found and experienced in God.    

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