Monday 13 February 2023

Jeremiah 6:27-30 - Being God's purified people

In these verses in Jeremiah 6:27-30, God was telling the Prophet Jeremiah his role in this whole saga alerting him of the difficulty that it would entail. He was encouraged to continue boldly assessing the people through his fiery proclamation to very rebellious and stubborn people.  Like a refiner of silver, he was tasked to refine God’s people and remove the dross so that they could be pure silver. But their sins were so ingrained and hard like iron and bronze. So corrupt were they that it was difficult for them to become “pure silver.” Unless they are tried under a hot smelting fire, it would be difficult to remove their impurities. But they had refused to rid themselves of the evil. Hence, they were worthless and ready to be cast aside.   

The point of Jeremiah here is that God wants us to be His purified people. He is in the process of removing the impurities from our lives. Like a smelter, He is removing the dross from our life so that we can be pure silver in His eye. Every experience we have in life is God’s refining process for us. In the blessed time, do we remain faithful to Him, or will we take Him for granted as if we are entitled to the blessing? In difficult times do we trust that He is working all, things out for our good or will we murmur, grumble, complain, and nit-pick?  

Remember the story that Jesus told contrasting two persons who had different foundations of their houses. One built His house upon the rock and the other built his house on sand. One listens to His word and acts upon it. Whereas the other listens but did nothing about it. They both face the same testing from the storms and floods of life. The one with the foundation of rock stood through the storms but the other on sand collapsed like a pack of cards.  In essence, the story tells us that our ability to weather testing from the storms of life will depend on the depth of our relationship with God. The deeper we are planted in Him the harder it will be for us to be derailed by tough circumstances. Be sure to build our house on the rock of God’s Word.   

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