Saturday 16 July 2022

2 Kings 10:18-27 – Serving God congruently

Jehu’s God-assigned mission was to destroy everything Baal. He had already gotten rid of Ahab and Jezebel and their household for they were key proponents of the cult. Now in 2 Kings 10:18-27, he set out to annihilate all of Baal’s worshippers. He connived and came out with a deceptive plan. Claiming that he was more fervent than Ahab in his devotion to Baal, he set up a special occasion to honor him. His intention was to annihilate every one of them. So he cunningly invited all the prophets, worshippers, and priests of Baal to that special celebration. He even threatened death to any devotee of Baal who failed to show up. So all the devotees of Baal came from all over Israel. So huge was the gathering that the temple of Baal was packed from end to end till there was no room left. We are told in verse 21 that there was none who did not come. Jehu even had the keeper of the wardrobe bring out garments for the worshippers to wear. All these point us to how far and steep Israel had degenerated in their adherence to the worship of Baal. Then with Jehonadab, Jehu entered the temple to ensure that no worshipper of Yahweh was present. When it was ascertained that all Baal worshippers were there, then they offered sacrifices and burnt offerings.   

In his plan, Jehu had 80 men stationed outside the temple to ensure that none of the devotees of Baal escaped. They were told that anyone who allowed a devotee to escape would have to pay with his life. As soon as the burnt offering was done, Jehu sent the guards and royal officers into the temple to kill all of them. He would not want any of those worshippers of Baal to be let off. Following his order, the guards and the royal officers went into every nook and cranny and massacred everyone that had to do with Baal. Everything within the temple was destroyed. The complete humiliation was that the temple of Baal was turned into a latrine.  The campaign to eradicate Baal worship started by Elijah was completed by Jehu.

Ruthlessly and mercilessly Jehu carried out his assignment. While he was successful in what he was expected to do, his motive and method left much to be desired. He did not give opportunity to those who might want to repent and renounce Baal. Besides, his real intention to obliterate the worshippers of Baal was to eradicate the influence of Ahab and not idolatry per se. He was doing it for himself to get rid of any trace of Ahab which could come against his reign. Why do we say that? Later we shall see that he did not renounce or reject the worship of Jeroboam’s golden calves.

If we are to serve God with honor, there must be congruency. Obedience and zeal for the Lord should be applauded but the motive and how one would go about executing it must be congruent. Attitude and action must be in alignment. If we want to serve God with distinction, we not only must serve him with the right attitude but also the right motive and action. Using deception to execute God’s plan will leave a bitter aftertaste even when the outcome is achieved. We must serve God with integrity and congruency. Wisdom to do His work will be given to anyone who asks for it.


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