Sunday 6 March 2022

1 Kings 9:24 - Do not be unequally yoked

Solomon marrying Pharoah’s daughter was perhaps the reason for the nation’s problem. We are told in 1 Kings 7:8 that Solomon built her a house. This house for her must have been built after the temple, palace, and defensive walls were completed. So after the dedication of the temple, 1 Kings 9:15 said that she came up from the city of David to stay in the house Solomon had built for her. From 2 Chronicles 8:11, we get the reason why Solomon built her the house. He admitted that “My wife (Pharoah’s daughter) shall not dwell in the house of David king of Israel, because the places are holy where the ark of the Lord has entered.” Deep in the king’s heart, he was concerned for purity. He knew that having a pagan wife would be a compromise to the holy presence of God. So he specially built a house for her and even buttressed it with defensive walls.

Having a foreign wife, who did not worship the same God as he, was already a fault line in his life. Firstly, he had to consider how to have her without having to compromise his commitment to God. That’s the reason he specifically built her a house. This would mean incurring extra costs to build and maintain the house. Then he had to put up with the fact that she was of a different faith than his. She would be worshiping her array of Egyptian gods whereas he must remain faithful to his God. How long could he stay faithfully committed to God without being influenced to pursue her gods? Unwittingly, Solomon had created loopholes that could lead him to compromise his faithfulness to God.

One lesson we can deduct from this one verse would be about the wisdom of choosing the right life partner. A spouse can either be an encouragement to our walk with God or lead us to compromise our faith in Him. When we have a life partner of a different faith, we would have much to contend with in our spiritual journey. There will be different goals and values that we must put up with. So hear the wise counsel of Paul in 2 Corinthians 6:14-16. He said, “Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? Or what agreement has the temple of God with idols.” For those of us who have a life partner who shares the same faith and loves God, we must give thanks to God for him or her. For those with a pre-believing spouse keep praying for them to come to know the Lord. And for those who are now courting or choosing a life partner, be wise in choosing one’s life partner. Get a spouse who shares your faith, values, and goals. You will save yourself needless troubles. God’s word is never wrong!



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