Sunday 19 December 2021

Deuteronomy 32:10 – We belong to God

The song of Moses reveals the unique relationship God had with the children of Israel. Clearly, God was dealing with them as a nation. So Deuteronomy 32:10 used the pronounce “him” to refer to the children of Israel as a whole unit. Explicitly, this verse says that God found “him” in the desert land. This was by way of saying that their relationship with Him was at His initiation. As a people, Israel as a nation was lost and wandering in the desert land, until God chose and gave them a status. They were here collectively called His “son.” This verse also depicts God as surrounding them with His care and protection. And as a people belonging to God, they became the pupil of His eye. In other words, they found favor with God and became His treasured possession. All this happened by an act of God’s pure grace.

Their history showed us that from a small group of 70 people who came to Egypt, they became a community and were organized into bondage by the Egyptians. When God delivered them from their bondage, approximately two million left Egypt. It was at Mount Sinai that God made a covenant with them, and they became His people. As God’s unique people, they were expected to be different from the rest of the nations. The commandments and instructions of God were given to help shape their uniqueness. The objective of their journey in the wilderness was to build in them the mark that would distinguish them as God’s unique people. Deuteronomy 32:10 is a summary of how God chose, delivered, and cared for them through their perilous journey.

What lessons does this verse has for us? Our relationship with God is also an act of His grace. In Christ Jesus, God found and delivered us from the desert land of sin. He has made us His own and now He surrounds us with His love, care, and protection. In our present journey toward our ultimate destination, He is constantly developing us so that we can reflect His image. As His sons and daughters, we are the apple of His eye. As His children let us reflect Him correctly! Let us be like our Heavenly Father!


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