Monday 27 September 2021

Deuteronomy 12:15-28 – Eating and living right

In the previous section of Deuteronomy, we learned that God wanted the worship to be centralized. So in Deuteronomy 12:15-28, He needed to stipulate for the Israelites, anything that they had set aside to offer to God in worship and as a sacrifice to Him, could only be eaten in the place of worship. They could partake it with their family, even their slaves, in joyful celebration there. The reason God gave this instruction for those animals or grains to be eaten in His presence was also to ensure that the Levites had a means for their sustenance. Anything, especially animals which they had not set aside to be offered to the Lord, could be eaten at the gates of their dwelling and not necessary at the place of worship.

However, in the partaking of meat whether for sacrifice or not, they were not allowed to partake of the meat with the blood. Why was blood not allowed for ingestion? It was because the pagan in their idolatrous worship would eat their meat with blood. But Israel as God’s chosen people must be different. They were forbidden to partake of anything with blood. Besides, blood was the symbol of life, a gift of God. It was to be reserved and offered to Him.  Also because God had set aside blood as the medium for the atonement of the sinners. Hence it would not be appropriate for the people to partake of the blood.

Concerning the meat and food that the Israelites would eat, God was using them to remind them that they were His covenant people. He used them to inculcate a life of total reliance and obedience to Him. Food had been God’s provision for their sustenance. They were provided so that they could find the strength to live and to labor. It showed how much God cared for them. Hence, they ought to be thankful and to partake of them as He had prescribed. Verse 28 underscored the need for them to pay attention to what God had instructed concerning these matters. It was for their wellbeing. So they must “Be careful to listen to all these words which I command you, so that it may be well with you and your sons after you forever, for you will be doing what is good and right in the sight of the Lord your God.”

Ultimately it is about living for God. Remember to keep 1 Corinthians 10:31 at the foremost of our minds. We are urged here to glorify God in all things. Paul admonished us saying, “Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of  God.”


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