Wednesday 2 September 2020

Isaiah 4:2-6 – Being God’s consecrated people

God’s judgment which Isaiah talked about was not to destroy Judah and Jerusalem totally but to purge and free them from what was offensive to Him. God chose them and made them His covenant people. They had a unique relationship with Him. And like a Father, He faithfully took care of them. When they were wayward, He would deal with them and purge the nation. When the dealing was done those who remain would be His faithful remnant. After God’s dealing, a time of blessings awaits the nation in the future. In Isaiah 4:2-6 we can see three promises made. 

Firstly, in verse 2, Isaiah points prophetically to the arrival of the Messiah who is referred to here as the “Branch of the Lord.” This Messiah would also have a human element. Hence. the verse also said He would be the “fruit of the earth.” However we are told that not everyone would welcome the Messiah, but He would be acknowledged and embraced by the remnant who survived God’s judgment.  

Secondly, we see in verses 3-4 that those who embrace the Messiah will be called holy. They will be the people who have been purged by the judgment and burning. There is a divine principle here. Holiness will be the outcome when one willingly submits to and allows God’s dealings to bring about the purging effect. God’s purging aims to make us His holy people. Remember that God will not remove hard circumstances from our lives, But He will perfect us through those hard times.


Thirdly, in verses 5-6, Isaiah makes a reference to a scene  from the book of Exodus, where God’s presence and glory were described as “cloud by day…and the brightness of a flaming fire by night.” Here the promise is that like God’s glory and presence that filled Moses’ Tabernacle, the same will be felt in the whole of Mount Zion. Prophetically here, Isaiah was pointing to the time in the future where God’s glory and presence will envelop the gathering of God’s people. This is a promise to the church of Jesus Christ the Messiah.


We see here the key to holiness is found in knowing the Messiah. We who have acknowledged Him are privileged people. As we submit to Him and allow God’s purging work to take effect in our lives, the outcome is a holy and set apart life consecrated to Him. There is no telling of His marvelous glory and presence when we, His consecrated people, are gathered in His name to offer Him resounding worship. What a glorious sight it would be! Praise the name of the Lord forever!     

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