Saturday 22 August 2020

Isaiah 1:5-6 – Take time to review your spiritual state

God began by telling the people of Judah how ungrateful they were before He went on to tell them how corrupt they were. Yet they failed to see their state of affairs. They were oblivious of their own spiritual condition. They were so hardened and callous that they did not even know how bad their condition was.

In verses 5-6 Isaiah went on to describe Judah as a man who was battered and bruised. He was so badly buffeted from head to heart to toes, yet did not feel the hurt of his wounded body. Instead of seeking help, Judah mindlessly and cluelessly would go back and take some more beating. Anyone who had been so badly plummeted would have sought for help but not the people of Judah. They were oblivious of their own condition and how badly they needed help.

God was baffled at why they could not see their own condition. So He asked that rhetorical question, “Where will you be stricken again, as you continue in your rebellion?” What happened to Judah happened because they had not taken the time to take stock of their life with God. They failed to realize how badly their condition was because they did not stop to appraise themselves. This is the sad fact of life. Many of us fail to pause in our journey and take time to evaluate and make necessary alignment in our journey of life. These two verses call us not to go about life mindlessly, despite the bruise and hurt sustained.

The first step to spiritual health and vitality is awareness. We can only make changes when we know where we have gone wrong. How can we know where we have gone wrong if we do not take the time to appraise our own spiritual condition? No matter how spiritually healthy we think we are, we must make time to wait upon the Lord, evaluate our journey and discern where we are going, and then make the needful alignment.

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