Thursday 5 December 2019

1 Samuel 4:19-22 – Living for Christ’s greater glory

The two battles with the Philistines had left Israel devastated. Their fighting men were scattered on the battlefield. A total of thirty-four thousand of them were slaughtered in the two battles. The Ark of the Covenant that they thought would bring them the victory was captured. Hophni and Phinehas as foretold paid dearly for the contempt they had shown to the Lord’s altar and their roles as priests entrusted to them. They had abused their position and dishonored the Lord. Not only had these two sons of Eli died for their disregard for God but Eli their father was also disciplined harshly. When he heard the Ark was captured and his two sons died, he fell backward and broke his neck and died.

While all that was going on, Eli’s daughter-in-law, Phinehas’ wife was pregnant and was near the time of delivery. When she heard the news that the Ark was captured and that Eli and her husband, Phinehas and her brother-in-law Hophni, had died she went into labor. She was seized by great labor pain, so she knelt to give birth. Hoping to comfort her those women attending to her said, “Do not be afraid, for you have given birth to a son.” When those comforting words were said, she had no response. Neither did she pay attention to them. For sadly, she didn’t survive the delivery, she died in the process of giving birth. She must have named the child Ichabod with the last breath that she gasped. Ichabod means “inglorious” or “there is no glory.” Truly the glory of God had departed from Israel. How could there be glory when the people, whom the Lord had established a covenant with, suffered such a humiliating defeat at the hand of the Philistines. Where is the glory when the Ark of the Covenant that reminded them of their unique relationship with God, and should have brought them the victory, was captured? What a disgrace!

As we come to the end of this chapter, we need to reflect on the name Phinehas’ wife gave to her son, Ichabod, meaning there is no glory. “Where is the glory” is not only a question for Israel to ask, it is one that we too must ask. God has sent us Jesus His only begotten Son to reveal His glory. And through Him, we are called into a relationship with Him so that we can live a life bringing glory to Him. Anything we do can either cause His name to be glorified and praised, or despised and maligned. The Eli family had chosen to live for the latter. What about us? Will we choose to live for the greater glory of Christ our Lord? As we near the end of yet another year, we must take time to reflect and recalibrate our steps. We need to identify where we have fallen short of the glory of God, and by His grace and strength seek to do better in the coming days. May the searchlight of the Holy Spirit enable us to do what is needful so that our lives will truly bring glory to His name.     

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