Thursday 6 June 2019

Exodus 37:25-29 – Jesus is all that we need

The Tabernacle and all the furniture within represent many things about God to us. So far we saw the Ark of the Covenant, the Mercy Seat, the Table of Shewbread, and the Golden Lampstand. They were intended to tell the Israelites, as well as us, that God is everything that we need. From the Tabernacle, we know this God who dwelt in heaven has now come to take His place among His people. He is the God of all truth who has chosen to guide us. Through the tree articles - Aaron’s rod, the pot of manna, and the two stone tablets – we know three specific things about Him. Firstly, that He is our provider who wants to provide for all our needs. Secondly, that He is the ruler who will lead us with His power and authority. And thirdly, that He wants to guide us to live by His Word. The Mercy Seat tells us that He is the God who forgives all our sins because of the atonement made. The Table of Shewbread tells us how He yearns for our fellowship. And the Golden Lampstand tells us that He is our light and life and He will brighten our path. He was the God of the covenant, who sat down at the table for fellowship with His people. We now come to the Altar of Incense.

This is the last piece of furniture in the Holy Place. On this Altar of Incense, sacred incense would be burnt to God morning and night by the priests. It was located immediately outside the veil that separated the Holy Place from the Holy of holies. In Leviticus 16:18 it is also referred to as the Altar that is before the Lord. The incense that was burnt and offered up from this altar was made from a special formula. As it was burnt by the priest it would release a sweet fragrance before the Lord. The smoke of the incense rising up heavenward represents the prayer of the people. This is affirmed in Revelation 8:3-4 that say, “Another angel came and stood at the altar, holding a golden censer; and much incense was given to him so that he might add it to the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, went up before God out of the angel’s hand.” Like all the furniture in the Tabernacle, this altar has a lesson for us. It tells us that we have a prayer answering God. One who hears our prayer and would attend to our request. Talking about prayer, we are reminded by Paul to offer up all kinds of prayers. We offer our praises to God for Who He is, and we petition and supplicate to this loving God for the needs of our life. In prayer, we extend our thanksgiving to Him for all that He has done for us. And of course, we intercede for our friends, family, and others that God would grant them grace, and meet them at the point of their needs.   

So, in the Tabernacle, we see how we must come to God. How are we to have a relationship with God?  As the Tabernacle was to the Israelites, so is Jesus to us. In Him, we find our relationship with God. In Him, we see the fullness of God. He leads, guides, He provides, He forgives and He is all that we need to have an abiding relationship with God. In Jesus our Lord, we have everything that the different pieces in the Tabernacle represents. He is everything that you and I need. We must make Him the primary focus of our life! 

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