Tuesday 14 May 2019

Exodus 32:25-29 – Taking a stand for God

What the people did was gross and indecent. It was an orgy. The word used here is wild. It carries the meaning of nakedness. They could be engaging in immorality and perhaps even committing sexual sin. Aaron was to be blamed. He allowed them to go out of control. He had failed to ensure discipline. This is the same even for any fellowship of believers. Every time the leadership fails to ensure discipline and allows disorderliness and chaos to reign, God’s name gets discredited. It behoves us as leaders to ensure that the people entrusted to our care will never run wild.  We must never let our ministry become a joke and the Lord’s name be mocked.

A great leader always does something when things are wildly wrong. That was what Moses did. He stood at the entrance of the camp and called for those who were for the Lord to come to him. He was making an allowance for those who would change their mind about sinning and leave it to join him. The only men who responded were the Levites, people from Moses’ own tribe. They all made a personal commitment to leave sin and join Moses to be on God’s side. Like those Levites, choosing to be on God’s side is a decision that every one of us has to make personally. We must choose to forsake sin and submit to the Lordship of Christ. If we are not for Christ, we will be against Him. There is no third alternative. Christian living is making a choice between truth and falsehood, between righteousness and unrighteousness, and between humility and pride. There can be no neutral ground when we are living for the Lord. Every day we must choose to take a stand for Him. Choosing God’s side requires absolute obedience.  

Once the Levites took their stand with Moses, they were taking their stand with God. Moses at the direction of God ordered them saying, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, ‘Every man of you put his sword upon his thigh, and go back and forth from gate to gate in the camp, and kill every man his brother, and every man his friend, and every man his neighbour.’” This was a serious assignment and it did not come from Moses. It was from God. This dastardly sin must be dealt with swiftly and completely. They had broken a blood covenant with God and it had to be paid with their life. They had forfeited the right to live. To worship other gods is a serious sin and it had to be dealt with swiftly and thoroughly. 

Everyone guilty of worshipping the golden calf must be dealt with, but only 3,000 were killed. Why? The 3,000 men that were killed were not the total number of people who had sinned. From this figure, we know that God’s restraining hand was even in judgement. When the judgement was being executed, people stopped their sinning. The truth is this, 3,000 were killed so that the others could stop from continuing in their sin. The Levites did it regardless of whether they were family members or friends, they would not be spared. In the life of obedience, God has first claim over our life. We must prefer Him over mother, father, sons, daughters, relatives or friends. When there is a conflict in allegiance between God and the people close to us, we must always choose God. One other lesson can be gleaned from here. That holiness must be pursued relentlessly. Purity must be pursued if we are to serve God. We must put all idolatries in our life to bed forever. There should be no concession. It must always be God and nothing else. This we have to do by taking up our cross daily to follow Him. We need to take a stand for God!


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