Tuesday 19 February 2019

Exodus 16:21-26 – Work with God and grow spiritually

We have said that the journey into the promised land is a type of a Christian’s sanctification process. Just as God used the hard encounters which the Israelites had experienced in their journey to sanctify them, He also uses the difficulties we face in this life to help develop in us a life of consecration. It behoves us then to seize the God-moment in life and grow.

The manna that came from heaven was a provision of God. This unique bread is described in Exodus 16: 31 as something like white coriander seed that tastes like wafers with honey. Can’t imagine how it tastes like, but it certainly sounded delicious. God’s provisions in life will always be something good, delicious and palatable. Jesus said that as a good Father, He will never give us a scorpion when we ask for an egg, or a stone when we ask for bread. And He assured us that if we earthly fathers know how to give good gifts to our children, how much more will the heavenly Father gives us what is good and real. Yes, God will give us what is needful and good to live meaningfully for Him.

However, there is a need to exercise responsibility and collaborate with God in our gathering of the spiritual food we need to sustain our spiritual growth. Exodus 16:21 tells us that each morning they had to go out and gather the manna, and by noon when the sun is hot, the manna would melt. This was to be a new way of living for them. While in Egypt they didn’t have the need to go out and gather their own food. But now they do. They had to get up in the morning to pick the manna. If they don’t, by noon they would all be melted. To have food for the day, they needed to rise each morning and go out and gather the manna. This discourages a spirit of laziness. The principle is the same for us who want to grow spiritually, we cannot afford to be lazy. We need to actively do our part. Find the time to study the Word of God and gather the spiritual food that can make us wise unto salvation. Our spiritual sustenance comes from the spiritual manna that God in His grace will provide daily when we make time to pick it.

In Exodus 16:4-5, God told Moses that he would test the obedience of the people. He said to Moses, “Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a day’s portion every day, that I may test them, whether or not they will walk in My instruction. On the sixth day, when they prepare what they bring in, it will be twice as much as they gather daily.” They were already told to gather their fresh portion of manna daily. But on the sixth day, in anticipation of the Sabbath rest, they should collect twice as much. So, on the sixth day, twice as much of manna was there for their picking. In verse 22, the way they came and reported to Moses tells us that they were taken by surprise. It was as if they didn’t know that there would be a double-portion of manna for them to pick on the sixth day. They shouldn’t have, for God had already told them so earlier. This episode reminds us to be attentive and alert to what God is saying to us in our spiritual journey. We need to carefully divide the Word of truth so that the legitimate experiences in Christian living will not be missed nor be caught by surprise. Our heavenly Father has made all the provisions. When we pay attention to what He says in His Word, we will be able to know His heart.   

What’s so miraculous about the manna was that ordinarily, whatever manna they kept overnight would turn putrid. But what they had collected on the sixth day and left for their Sabbath’s consumption never became rotten. The Lord is very precise. The Sabbath should be a day of rest. And He always makes provision for that day when we dare to obey the principle of Sabbath rest. It is not just about ceasing from work, it is about making a pause each week and make time to enjoy God, to enjoy His creation and the fruit of all our works. It’s a time to be joyful in all that God has done. Let’s be thankful for God’s provision. Let’s also learn to take time to enjoy Him, and the provision He has made as we serve Him.  

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