Thursday 20 September 2018

Song 3:6-11 – The dilemma of true love

These verses describe the scene of the Shulamite maiden arriving at the palace. The people of Jerusalem, surprised by the approaching grand procession into the city, began to express their admiration. They asked, “What is this coming up from the wilderness like columns of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, with all scented powders of the merchant?” The crowd was curious. Known for his habit of acquiring foreign women for his harem, they must have wondered who is this latest addition to Solomon's harem. 

In royal splendor, this Shulamite maiden was transported into Jerusalem. They must have traveled through the wilderness of Judea. As the procession moves into Jerusalem, containers with frankincense were being swung to and fro, to release its sweet fragrance to perfume the air. So here we see the description of the columns of smoke that rose from those containers, known as censers, were being released as the procession progressed into Jerusalem.  
As the procession approached Jerusalem, what became visible was the portable bed or couch draped with curtains. It was so splendid and magnificent; hence they knew at once that it belonged to Solomon. To ensure the security and comfort of the Shulamite maiden, Solomon had a detachment of his infantrymen to guard them in the long and arduous journey. The traveling couch was guarded by “Sixty mighty men around it, of the mighty men of Israel.” The brigade of guards was needed because they were traveling through the wilderness that was swarmed with brigands, fugitives and bandits. The stretch of road from Shulam to Jerusalem would cover about 50 miles. The time needed would approximately take a two-day journey. The brigade of guardsmen literally comprised of soldiers who were skillful in brandishing the sword that was strapped to their thighs.

In verses 9-10, we see the description of the sedan couch of Solomon. It was made from the wood of Lebanon. The pillars of the couch were made of silver and the back of gold. The beautiful tapestries of the interior were beautifully decked and decorated by “the daughters of Jerusalem.” This term, “daughters of Jerusalem” probably refers to the ladies of the city in Jerusalem. They truly have a deep affection for Solomon so they did not mind preparing and decorating his beautiful portable couch with purple cushion. And they were urged to go forth to greet the king. The marriage of the king was an important occasion and it called for a celebration.  

The witnesses of the ceremony were called the daughters of Zion. They saw the crown of wreath interlaced with gold and silver strand on the king’s head. The king’s wedding was a gala celebration for his family and his subjects. Nothing was said about the feeling of the Shulamite maiden. What were her feelings? She must have been caught in a deep dilemma. Here she was married to a man, though a king, whom she did not love. Her heart was still deeply filled with affection for her beloved shepherd back home.  Her feeling of sadness must have been made worse by the joy of those celebrants around her.

As Christians, our deep affection is for Jesus, our beloved. Very often we see the world courting our affection. We seem out of place if we do not conform to the demands of the world. Yet deep within we know that we must love the Lord with our whole being. We know we must not be conformed to the world but the lure of it is so strong. What are we to do? Listen to the exhortation of Paul in Romans 12:1-2, we must sacrificially give ourselves as a living sacrifice to God. A worship of worth that’s acceptable and worthy of God. We refuse to be lured by the standards and value of the world. How? By yielding our lives to God and submit our mind to the renewing the Spirit of God and the Word. Then and then will we be able to experience not only the good and acceptable will of the Lord but His perfect will. Don’t be caught in the dilemma. Make Christ the focal point of all your affection.       

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