Monday 6 August 2018

Ecclesiastes 5:1-3 – Let’s watch our attitude and words

It is easy to live a life of pretense in a fallen world. The problem with the world is this – actors and actresses in Hollywood portrait life as if they are real. But in real life, many go through life pretending they are something that they are not. Authentic faith is more important than just merely leading a life of pretense and make believe. Especially when we go to church. Ecclesiastes 5 starts by calling for truthful living, and total awe and reverence when we come to worship God. Up till now, the preacher insisted that life is meaningless and empty and all is vanity. Life is pessimistic and he was complaining much about almost everything. However, as he progresses he seems to be giving sound advises concerning work, death, time and possessions.

In this chapter he gives solid counsel on how to conduct one’s life and relationship with God in a practical way. Ecclesiastes 5:1-3 is so relevant to church goers like us. These words are not meant for people who do not go to church. His words are for people who go to church but lacking in commitment, and failing to live a life of authenticity in their faith life. So, he began with an admonition saying, “Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. To draw near to listen is better than to offer the sacrifice of fools, for they do not know that they are doing evil.” It’s a call to approach worship with seriousness. He is calling for believers to pay attention to the instruction of God and His word.

The right way to approach God is to come with an open and receptive heart. We must come with a right attitude and an ear poised and attentive to what God is going to say. One needful exercise to engage in before coming to worship service is to prepare our heart and attitude. We need to ensure that we have a heart that is ready, attentive and receptive to God’s word. Bear in mind that we live in an over communicated world. Many voices are clamouring for our attention. Many come to church each Sunday bearing heavy burdens from the daily chores. If we don’t learn to put them aside, our hearts and minds will be so cluttered that we are rendered incapable to be attentive to God’s word. It is very easy to go astray with our thoughts. The body may be present in church but the heart is miles away. So, we go through the motion in worship without engaging our heart and mind.

The first thing then is to come to church with a heart and spirit awakened to love and obey God. Be totally present – spirit, soul and body. Not to do so, according to verse 1, is to come with the sacrifice of a fool. That is, not to worship and engage God in spirit and truth, or in honesty and sincerity which is hypocritical and sinful. Do not practice guile which is projecting a posture of worship but devoid of one’s mind, heart and attention.

The next thing we need to watch according to verse 2 is our words. It is important to come before God with the attitude to listen, but equally important is to come watching what we will say to him. It is on the arena of our prayer life. Here we are told not to be “…rash with our mouth, nor let our heart be hasty to utter a word before God, for God is in heaven and you are on earth. Therefore, let our words be few.” People do make hasty promises and then not keep their words. This is especially critical when we speak them in the house of God. It is important that we pray what we mean and mean what we pray. Do not say something for the sake of impression but fail to keep our words to God. It is good to tuck it somewhere in our heart that God hears every word we speak. He knows our conversation, so we need to be careful what we pray and say to Him. The preacher’s advice is to say few but truthful words to God, when we are in His presence.  

In verse 3, we are given why we should say few but truthful words to God. Businessmen would dream much on how to be successful in business. They plan and go through much activities to dream up plans to help them generate profit. There is no complete fail-proof plan in business. More plans mean one is susceptible to more risks. Words we speak are also like that. The more we say, the more susceptible we are to create traps of our own making. Bear in mind that folly and loquaciousness are often closely connected. In much words, we open up to loopholes and mistakes. Remember work will lead us to make many dreams, but foolishness will lead us to say far too many words. We must put a guard over our mouth. When we talk to God be sincere and truthful. God has no delight in our foolish words. Can you wonder why Jesus our Lord tells us to let our word be yes and no? Anything else is putting ourselves at risk of saying the wrong thing. It is needful to prepare one’s heart to come before God, and it is equally important to watch what one says to Him in His presence. So, James in his letter advices believers to be quick to listen but slow to speak. What a wise counsel!     

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