Monday 17 April 2017

Psalm 91 – God, our sure refuge

Clearly Psalm 91 is about God being our divine protective hedge. We do not know who had written this Psalm. It is one of those that was anonymously written. However there are some people who believe that this was a prayer of Moses but we cannot say for sure. There are two parts to this Psalm. The first segment from verses 1-13 assures believers that God is faithful and will protect those who come under His protective hedge. The second section from verses 14-16 is presented as the voice of God. He tells us of His care for those who love and call upon Him. He will not only rescue believers from harm but will grant them long life and salvation.

This Psalm assumes that dangers surround everyone. But the difference between a believer of God and one who does not, is that the believer can enjoy divine protection. God invites us to place ourselves beneath His protective hedge. When a believer chooses to respond to that invitation and come under God and dwell underneath His wings, that person will find security. Though undefined, what is being described here seems like referring to a person in the midst of battle. Like it or not, there is a battle going on in our life. God wants to ensure that we will not be harmed in the battle of life. Paul tells us in Ephesian 6:12 that “…our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places” The blessed assurance in this Psalm is that as children of God, nothing can harm us, so long as we stay underneath God’s granted protective covering.   

The evil one targets us all the time. If we stay tuned to God’s direction we will be aware of it. He tempts us, he places snares in our way to trip us. The Psalmist calls them snares of the fowler. We are exposed to the corruption of sin, referred to here as noisome pestilence. But in the array of dangers surrounding us, we can find great security in God. He wants to keep and preserve us from fear as we choose to live our life with His given wisdom. The Lord will also impart faith into our life that will keep us from the threatening fears of life. As His children, we have no reason to fear. He will guard us all the way. All these can only be experienced as we by faith deliberately choose to come to the Sovereign Lord who invites us to Himself.  So come without hesitation, and experience the comfort and security of His assurance!     

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