Friday 3 March 2017

Psalm 49 – Our eternal destiny depends on how life is appraised now

The sons of Korah were Levitical singers who had composed Psalm 49 for the choir director. This is a song that was sung contrasting the destinies of the righteous and the wicked. Many had often wondered why the wicked seem to prosper ever so often. But this Psalm tells us that beyond wealth there is a life to live. Here in this Psalm, we hear a call to everyone to rightly apprehend life.

This Psalm, in verses 1-4, begins with an invitation to all people to evaluate life and consider its different destinies. Everyone, regardless of their status, is invited to consider what the Psalmist is saying. The message he disseminates here contains wisdom and understanding. One which he had carefully contemplated and he now makes known through a song and the harp. It’s a message for the low or the high of society, and the rich or the poor thereof. It is a message that has a universal application and will be worth the attention of all. Clearly it is a call to all to rightly appraise life.

In verses 5-12, the Psalmist shows how pathetically inadequate wealth really is. Hence it is foolhardy to depend on it. It behooves us believers who trust God, to carefully consider what we would rather pursue in life. We should rise above the unrighteous obsession and inordinate passion of pursuing wealth. The foolish may boast of great wealth and even rely on what they possessed, but the sad truth is this: their wealth is totally inadequate to redeem them from death or the decay of the grave. The reality is this: the wealth and properties they amassed can never be brought along when death beckons. No matter how glamorous life may be to a person, like all beasts everyone will perish, and the wealth acquired will be left for others.  

The opposing ends of the wicked and the righteous are clearly delineated in verses 13-20. For the wicked there is no hope for them beyond this life. But it is not so for the righteous. They have a hope beyond the grave. Verse 15 tells us that they have life beyond death.  Hence, the call of the Psalmist is for us who love God, not to envy the rich. We should not be unsettled when we see the wicked getting richer because they will all come to an end. They will have to leave everything they possessed behind and will be gone forever. Instead of worrying about riches or devising more get rich schemes, we should rather spend our time building our relationship with God.

As people who love God, we must of course be engaged in meaningful work to earn our living. And we must work hard and live right. But we must not be overly obsessed with wealth. Bear in mind that our possession which we have, no matter how much, cannot be brought with us into eternity. We have to leave everything behind when our life on earth has folded. On the other hand, our relationship with God will always be a part of us – in life or in death. When we are ushered into His eternal presence we continue our relationship with Him, that which we have begun on earth. Meanwhile, we must appraise life rightly and be passionate in loving God. This is the one thing that really matters.    

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