Sunday 6 November 2016

John 14:16 -20 – The promise of the Holy Spirit

In these verses. Jesus was talking about the Holy Spirit whom He would ask the Father to send to the disciples. This Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. He completes the Godhead. Here Jesus refers to Him as another Helper. In fact the word Comforter would fit the word Helper more accurately. Being a Comforter is more than a consoler. The word comforter is derived from two Latin words: “com” meaning alongside and “fortis” meaning strong. Hence the Comforter, whom Jesus would ask the Father to send would come alongside believers to strengthen them in their needs. Here Jesus specially mentioned the adjective “another”. In English, the word “another” means an alternative. But in Greek, there are two words translated into the word “another.” One refers to another of a different kind. But the word Jesus used is referring to another of the same kind. It means that the Comforter would be another of the same kind as Jesus. Although He would be sent to replace Jesus, He would be exactly like Jesus. He would not be a temporary relief but a permanent feature in the life of the disciples. He would be with them (and us) forever.

In verse 17, this Comforter is referred to as the Spirit of truth. Literally this title “Spirit of truth” means Spirit of the Truth. He would come to make known Jesus and the words He had spoken and taught. By saying that the Spirit would not be visible to the naked eye, He was warning the disciples against expecting to see another visible person. Although eye cannot see Him, this Spirit of truth will be known by the believers of Christ because He would come to be with them and stay within them. And He would be the distinguishing mark between the people of God and the world. The reason the world cannot receive the Spirit is because the natural man cannot receive the things of God. Paul tells us that spiritual things are spiritually discerned.

Here the Lord Jesus also promised that the Holy Spirit would indwell believers. Unlike in the Old Testament time, the Holy Spirit was only given for specific assignments. And when the task was done, He would depart from the person used for the task. But now He would come and remain within the believers and abide in them forever. In other words, believers become the temple of God. In that sense, Jesus won’t leave us comfortless. He won’t leave His people as orphans without guidance. It is the delight of God to be with us, to guide and direct us. We will not be like helpless sheep in a hostile world. He promised to be with His people. Bear in mind that at the beginning of His ministry, God announced that Jesus would be known as Emmanuel, meaning God with us. Now nearing His departure, Jesus affirmed the promise of the Father that He would be with us. He would once again make this promise before His ascension to heaven.
Christ was hinting about His resurrection in verse 19. The world would see Him one last time when He would be hung on the cross. After that they would not see Him again. Whereas His disciples will see Him again and again as He would appear to them. The world would think that He is dead and gone, but His followers will know that He is alive. And because He lives, we shall live also. When all that happen, it would be the clearest confirmation that Jesus and God the Father are inseparably One. What a glorious promise! The Holy Spirit is here in us to guide us. Come and think of it: we have Jesus in heaven making intercession for us and we have His Spirit here within us to guide us. If we trust Him absolutely, how can we fail in our journey! 

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