Monday 2 February 2015

1 Thessalonians 1:6 -10 – The influence of transformed lives

Having established the potency of the Gospel, Paul now turned his focus on the Thessalonians. When they have heard the Gospel, the Thessalonians responded and embraced it fully. They were quick learners and Paul observed four qualities about the Thessalonians.

Firstly, they became imitators of the apostles and his companions, Silas and Timothy, and the Lord. They abandoned their former pattern of life and adopted examples set by Paul, Silas and Timothy, who patterned their lives after the Lord. There was truly a complete transformation in their lives.

Secondly, they received the message despite their tribulation. From Acts 17, we saw that Paul’s ministry at Thessalonica was not without much trouble and hostility. They faced much opposition from the Jews. Yet they were not discouraged by the opposition and hostility. They remained receptive and embraced the Gospel.  

Thirdly, they received the Gospel with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Notice that the Holy Spirit is mentioned twice in the space of two verses (vv.5-6). In the first mention, Paul referred to His empowerment of the preachers. In his second mention, he talked about His distribution of joy to the hearers who received the message. The Holy Spirit works in both the preachers and the hearers’ lives. Here He gives joy to the hearers. It must be said that the preaching of the Gospel is always attended by joy. It will bring joy to the hearers’ hearts and great rejoicing in heaven, when even one soul turns to the Lord.

Fourthly, they became examples for others. The Thessalonians were so exemplary that they became models to others from that region. Their lives inspired those from Macedonia and Achaia, so that they also took on their examples.

After they had embraced their faith toward God, the Thessalonians became a living testimony in that region of Macedonian and Achaia. There was nothing more Paul and his companions needed to say, to attest to the reality and power of the Gospel. The news of their transformed lives penetrated far and wide by word of mouth.

What reports were heard about the Thessalonians? It was their transformed lives, resulted from their faith toward God, that many “gossiped” about (vv.8-10). Personal testimony is always a powerful tool to unlock hearts. Here we are also shown qualities that proved the genuineness of the Thessalonians’ conversion. They took decisive actions and were not afraid to receive the messengers of God, despite great opposition and hostility. Then they genuinely turned to serve the Living God, and made a decisive break with their past lives of idolatry. And they also cherished a great hope and waited in anticipation for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. In a sublime way, Paul assured them of the certainty of Christ’s return. When He returns, Jesus the Savior will bring to fruition the believers’ total deliverance from the wrath that is coming.

The true impact of the Gospel is always visible in the life of a transformed person. Not only will we be changed in lifestyle but also in the outlook of our service to the Lord, and His people. Like those Thessalonians, let’s confidently demonstrate the reality of Christ in our lives. 

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